Wednesday Night Bible Study - Isaiah 53. This is the continuing study of the GOSPEL of Mark 15.
Mark 16: 1 to 6.
With the illumination of the HOLY GHOST, Pastor Nulph teaches from the GOSPEL of Mark, Chapter 16. Here the WORD of GOD teaches and reveals the many amazing things about the Resurrection of the LORD JESUS CHRIST from the dead. CHRIST'S Resurrection is the absolute pinnacle of the WORD of GOD and in the history of mankind. May the LORD bless each of you as you listen and grow in the Grace and Knowledge of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Pastor Nulph opens up the WORD of GOD to the GOSPEL of Mark 16: 1 to 6. With the guidance of the HOLY GHOST, Pastor opens the reality of the Resurrection of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Do we truly understand the full and eternal impact of the Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST from the dead? Can we fully esteem the LORD raising from the dead? How do you esteem the Resurrection of GOD'S only begotten SON from the dead?
Mark 16: 9 to 14
Tonight we are in the GOSPEL of Mark, chapter 16 and verses 9 to 14. Here as the HOLY GHOST leads Pastor we look at the reaction of the Apostles and the honour given to a woman for the Glory of GOD and HIS Glorious Resurrection. What were the Apostles afraid of? Why did they not believe all that the LORD JESUS CHRIST told them before HIS Death, Burial, and Resurrection?
By the Grace of GOD, we have arrived at the last study in the GOSPEL of Mark. It has been a truly supernatural blessing, joy, conviction, learning and total amazement of our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. Pastor Nulph looks at the overview of the last chapter of Mark, and gives a small preview of our next study, the Book of Jude. It is going to be an glorious study of this book of Jude, come and join us!
TEXT: Jude 1 to 3
Here, Pastor Nulph as lead by GOD the HOLY GHOST, shows us many fundamental truths that have everlasting effects on both the saints and the unbelievers. The Biblical words that GOD used are truly astounding, Jude 1-3 (KJB)
Text: Jude 1 to 4
In this study as by the Grace of GOD, Pastor shows us the important of being a alive and active Christian. That Jude is pleading with us to awaken and stand for the Glorious GOSPEL, once delivered to the saints. It also teaches us about the false Christians, who are NOT saved but are inside the church attempting to destroy the GOSPEL. These are very dangerous persons who's only goal is the turning away people, Christians from believing and following the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Text: Jude 1 to 8 (Continued)
Pastor Nulph draws our attention to the FALSE teachers, preachers, and pastors who have the outer appearance of a Christian but in actuality they are rejectors of of the LORD JESUS and HIS Glorious GOSPEL. "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." Jude 3 KJB.
Text: Jude 1 to 11
As we study this blessed Book of Jude, again and again GOD warns us of the enemies of CHRIST and HIS Church. Therefore as true born-again Christians the baton of faith has been handed down to us from the previous saints before us. Shall we be as they were? For the faith we were saved by was from the determined saints before us who believed unto death of common salvation, earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." Jude 3 KJB.
Text: Jude 8 to 12
The LORD is teaching us and warning us about false teachers, false Pastors, false Christians. Look at the vivid descriptions that GOD assign to these wicked and ungodly man, it should shake your foundation and at the same time gladden your heart in that GOD has equipped us with the wisdom and the WORD of GOD to stand against these vile and wicked people who's only goal is to deny and blasphemy the LORD JESUS CHRIST and attempt to destroy the faith once delivered to the saints!
Text: Jude 14 to 16
As we, by the Grace of GOD for HIS illumination of HIS WORD of this teaching. Pastor Nulph looks at the verses in Jude 16,17, and 18 and here we see that some of GOD'S response to these wicked false teachers and what awaits them. These are ungodly men, the word "ungodly" is used 4 times in verse 15, exposing their true condition before GOD and what they are teaching, ungodliness IN the church. Yea, these are vile and wicked men who desire your destruction of faith in CHRIST.
Jude 1: 15 to 20
Tonight, by the Grace of Almighty GOD, Pastor Nulph shall open up the warnings found in the verses 15 to 20. Here GOD describes in terms that cannot be avoided, the False Teachers who are perverting the FAITH once delivered to the saints! Look at verse 15, "ungodly" is used 4 times in one verse! GOD knows we have NO excuses to not be earnestly contending for the FAITH, to be utterly diligent in standing unmovable and unchangeable by the False Teachers in the church today!
Text: Jude 20 to 25
Here by the Grace of GOD, Pastor Nulph opens the WORD of GOD, Jude and we are shown what ETERNAL SALVATION is, its purpose, its absolute necessity in the plan of GOD and how it is a tremendous blessing and encouragement to the saint of GOD. ETERNAL SALVATION deals with the character and with GOD ability to save and to keep a soul save and secure, until Ephesians 4:30 (KJB) "And grieve not the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, whereby ye are sealed unto the Day of Redemption."
As the LORD wills, Pastor starts a Bible Study with the Book of Ephesians. This is a glorious book, the epistle of Ephesians. We begin not in Ephesians, but in the magnificent book of Revelation. By the illumination of the HOLY GHOST we shall learn from the book of Revelation the under laying foundation which leads us to the Epistle of Ephesians.
As the LORD wills, Pastor starts a Bible Study with the Book of Ephesians. This is a glorious book, the epistle of Ephesians. We begin not in Ephesians,
Text: Acts Acts 18.1 to 19. 6
We are in the second lesson on the Book of Ephesians, and we have not yet opened the book of Ephesians! Pastor is breaking up fallow ground and preparing us for our study of the Book of Ephesians. First lesson was in the Book of Revelation chapter 2 and learning about the church of Ephesians from the LORD JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF. Second lesson we opened the Book of Acts to study the start of the church in Ephesians. My, what an exciting and glorious study this shall be.
Text: Ephesians 1:1 to 4
May GOD bless HIS HOLY WORD for our study. Here the Pastor begins the study of the Book of Ephesians. The first two lessons were the ground work for the study of the Book of Ephesians. This study begins the opening of the Glory of GOD and blessing for true believers in the riches found in CHRIST. Ephesians the Book of GOD, CHRIST, the HOLY GHOST and the saint who is in CHRIST by Faith and Grace in CHRIST JESUS'S vicarious work on Calvary.
Text: Ephesians 1: 1 to 3
The first thing we notice is our riches in CHRIST, yet are we like the story of the miser, which Pastor Nulph speaks about? The story of the miser has a spiritual truth that is indeed very telling. A miser is one who hoards their money, their wealth and live as poor as possible to exist. Are you a Christian miser? Do you realize your wealth of CHRIST'S spiritual riches? Misers trust NO one. Therefore, there are many Christian misers and GOD knows who there are.
Text: Ephesians 1: 1 to 6
IN Ephesians will pray the LORD bless our study of HIS WORD. Look at the Glory, Majesty, and Grace of our wonderful blessed GOD. These verses reveal the Magnificent of the Glory of GOD and riches of HIS Grace to us. The wonderment that GOD loves us as deeply and eternally is truly mind numbingly glorious to attempt to understand. What a GOD, the BLESSED GOD, the ONLY GOD, our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST!
Text: John 9: 1 to 41
Here we have the LORD JESUS and the Blind man and what truths are revealed to us in this study! Here we see the Power and the Glory of GOD, JESUS CHRIST as seen in and through this blind man. We shall be encouraged and with the knowledge of faith and CHRIST are inseparable . As we read in Romans 10:17 (KJB) So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the WORD of GOD." Therefore we from the deepest desires of our souls, we shall read the WORD and strengthen our faith.
Luke 16: 19 to 31
May GOD bless HIS HOLY WORD. Tonight we study the true real life story of people living breathing humans named Lazarus and the rich man. This a very eye opening and life changing study from GOD'S WORD. Proverbs 16:25 (KJB) "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Which are you Lazarus or the rich man?
Pastor and Nettie Nulph
Sunday 10:00 AM - Morning Bible Class
Sunday 11:00 AM - Morning Service
Sunday 2:00 PM - Afternoon Service
Wednesday 7:00 PM - Bible Study
Precious Prayer Time.
Video and Audio sermons are posted weekly.
February 20
Sunday Morning Bible Class
"Learning the hard way"
Daniel 4: 19 to 37
Sunday Morning Sermon
Exodus 1: 1 to 14
Sunday Afternoon Sermon
"O, ye of little faith)"
Matthew 6: 24
Wednesday Night Bible Study
(February 19, 2025)
"Jogging our memories"
Hebrews 13: 13 to 25
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