Text: Jonah 1: 14 to 17 - Continuing Lesson 5
May GOD bless HIS HOLY WORD this Morning! Here we are studying Jonah and how GOD had everything in control, commanding HIS prophet Jonah to go to the great city of Nineveh for GOD was moving to save souls. Yet, Jonah said NO, and did everything in his own strength to get away from being obedient to GOD. Jonah made false statements, he was going to let the ship be destroyed, look at what happened to the ungodly men on the ship. They were saved and were obedient to GOD, but not Jonah. How many times have we been as Jonah towards GOD commands for us?
Text: Proverbs 1: 1 to 9
Let us enter into the WORD of GOD and learn of the "Fear of GOD." The Bible makes it absolutely clear that man must "Fear GOD". In Fearing GOD it is a glorious way of living a holy life before the LORD. The LORD JESUS feared HIS FATHER, for always did what the FATHER commanded of HIM, with no complaints, no excuses, CHRIST loves the FATHER and that is the fear of GOD! Look at the world today, there is NO fear of GOD, worse look at the church, why is it in the abominable condition it is today, NO FEAR OF GOD!!
Text: Colossians 3: 1 to 17
This is the most prevailing sin in the world and in the church, the sin of lying. The character of a Christian, a true born-again Christian is one of honesty, faithfulness, holiness, and righteousness in all they think and do. No one is perfect, 1 John 1:7 (KJB) "But if we walk in the Light, as HE is in the Light, we have fellowship one with another, and the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST HIS SON cleanseth us from all sin." Micah 6:8 (KJB) "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy GOD?" Is this not what you want to do?
Text: Jonah Chapter 2
GOD, we ask that you bless your WORD and these people in JESUS Name. We have arrived at Chapter 2 and we see that Jonah has been thrown overboard by the sailors and instead of death, Jonah receives mercy, the MERCY of GOD, O how we should cleave to this blessed gift of GOD! Jonah did not die, but was swallowed by a large fish, it was finally after all that Jonah had refused to do for the LORD, that Jonah finally prayed to GOD from the darkness of the fishes belly. GOD'S will, is ALWAYS completed, no matter what we desire or want, GOD'S Sovereign will, always, win out. REMEMBER, he is GOD and HE always wins! Has this lesson so far stirred your soul? If not, why not?
Text: Matthew 27: 45 to 50
The Bible reveals to us in this part of the HOLY WORD, part of the LORD JESUS CHRIST'S crucifixion, when total absolute great darkness fell over the hill of Calvary and the whole world! This was the time when GOD the FATHER had forsaken HIS only begotten SON. There was no other way to us us, mankind, to be redeemed back to GOD from the vile wickedness of SIN, it was only defeated and remove by the sacrificial work of CHRIST on Calvary. O what a price was paid for such loathsome creatures as us!
Text: 2 Corinthians 5: 14 to 16
What a blessed WORD this is, the Glory of GOD'S Kingdom. This very Kingdom will one day be your home, IF, you are truly redeemed by faith in the the LORD JESUS CHRIST and HIS finished work on Calvary, HIS HOLY Death, HOLY Burial, and HOLY Resurrection. The fallen human is complete corrupted by sin, to even try to begin to comprehend the Glory of GOD and HIS Kingdom. What awaits us should , must, compels us to live lives that are holy and pleasing unto GOD.
Bible Class: "Spiritual Inventory"
Text: Psalms 63: 1 to 5
We ask GOD for HIS Grace and Illumination in this study. Our beloved brother Pastor Small reveals and challenges us to take our Spiritual Inventory of our relationship with GOD. If you are truth and honest your spiritual walk with the LORD is not what it must be. Here by the Grace of GOD and HIS WORD we learn of what the Scriptures commands us and if we are truly obedient to GOD and HIS WORD.
Text: Revelation 1 : 1 to 20
This an amazing study in that the book of Revelation, the last GOD has to say to the Church. It is the only book in the Bible where GOD has promise to bless those who read and study the Revelation of JESUS CHRIST to the church. We need to be much better prepared, or as the Book of Revelation demands of every true Christian, "Wake Up!" We live in very, very perilous times and it behooves us to cleave to GOD as never before.
Text: Psalms 93: 1 to 5
Have you very thought about the clothes GOD wears? The WORD of GOD has so much to say about the Glorious Garments of GOD. As we listen and hear the WORD of GOD, a sense of fear of GOD grows upon us, as we begin to understand the magnitude of Holiness, Righteousness, and Glory that is our GOD. GOD is far greater than anyone, anything, that has or will ever be. GOD is without limits, without equal, without power. There is in comparison NOTHING or NO ONE who can lift a a speck of dust to the Majesty, Power, Glory, and dread Sovereign LORD of our Blessed LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!
Text: 1 Thessalonians 4.13 to 18
GOD we pray bless Thy WORD. Pastor Small opens the WORD of GOD about the Rapture, calling this lesson "Rapture Realities", we shall learn afresh the glorious truth of GOD of the Rapture of the Church of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. The Rapture is the next glorious event on the prophetic calendar of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. This is the blessed and Holy Truth that the WORD of GOD implore us to "Wherefore comfort one another with these WORDS." 1 Thessalonians 4:18 (KJB)
Text: What the WORD of GOD does, it redeems and changes lives for eternity.
This is a person testimony from Pastor Gary Small, how he was found by CHRIST, a orthodox Jew, and how the LORD JESUS CHRIST moved, lead, healed and brought HIS perfect will to bear upon this Jewish young man and his family. This is an amazing testimonies of the Grace of GOD, the Love of GOD, and Hope that is in GOD. You have never heard this kind of testimony before, not because of Pastor Gary and HIS father, rather because of the marvellous work of the Grace, Will, and Love of GOD.
Text: Colossians 1: 10
This is Pastor Smalls life verse, that he has cleaved to all the years of his walk with GOD. In this sermon, GOD reveals "absolute necessity is to be defined as truth in absolutely all possible actions and thoughts without restriction to and for the Glory GOD." GOD commands and encourages HIS redeemed saints to have a "Worthy Walk" with, of, and to the Glory of GOD! This sermon is a great source of challenges to each of us and of great encouragement in our pursuit of GOD by our desire to Walk Worth, Colossians 1:10 (KJB) That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;"
Sunday Morning Bible Class - Rapture Realities Part 2
Text: 1 Thessalonians and many other Scriptures
In Rapture Realities Part 2, by GOD'S Grace, Pastor Small continues to reveal that the Rapture is a extremely clearly evidence truth that GOD has given to the church. In these closing days of the age of Grace, the WORD of GOD is showing that GOD is still holding out HIS hand to the whosoevers to believe and receive the blessing and the supernatural act of GOD that is so very near to happening that the LORD JESUS paid a horrible price, which can never be repaid by any true Christian, for this event, the imminent rapture of the Body of Church, that means you, IF you are born-again.
Sunday Morning Sermon - The Worthy Walk - Part 2
Text: Colossians 1:10 and many other Scriptures
As Pastor Small continues to show by the WORD of GOD that true Christians must desire to be Worthy of the Walk they have been called to by the LORD JESUS CHRIST. It is the greatest joy to the human heart and the supernatural call to the redeemed spirit within each of us to be wantingly obedient to the Worthy Walk we are each personally called by CHRIST to seek each and everyday.
Text: 2 Kings 19:32 to 37
As the LORD continues to bless us with HIS Glorious presence, Pastor Small takes us into the book of 2 Kings to show us and to have us hear GOD HIMSELF who is our help in times of trouble, difficulties and to have us hear in Scripture and the knowledge that no matter what may befall us, yes, even death, GOD has everything in complete control and HE has our backs with HIS Glorious WORD and blessed indwelling in each of us. GOD HIMSELF is our encouragement in difficult days!
Text: 1 Timothy 1:1 and other Scriptures
This class is studying the Hopeful Hope, what is hope to you, not in the worlds view but what is hope to the true child of GOD? The world's view is NOT our True Christians view. For our HOPE is the LORD JESUS CHRIST, it is in everything that HE has done. Think what our LORD JESUS cried from the cross, "It is finished". If you do NOT have the Salvation bought by CHRIST the LORD at Calvary and by HIS Resurrection, you are of ALL men and women, Ephesians 2:12 (KJB) "That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:" Hopeful Hope, what is it to you?
Text: Colossians 1:10 and many other Scriptures
As Pastor Small continues with Part 3 of his sermon series on "the Worthy Walk" we ask that GOD would graciously bless this time in HIS WORD. In this class we will once again see that the Worthy Walk is commanded by GOD for ALL HIS children. Do you desire to find time to spend with GOD in studying HIS WORD and praying for guidance and direction in the things of GOD? It is a Christian's duty and his honour to desire with all his soul, strength, and all his heart to be obedient to our Great GOD by walking through this world and in this life to walk worthy of our calling from the LORD GOD.
Text: Proverbs 4
GOD is Amazing, Wonderful, and Glorious in everything HE does. Pastor will reveal what GOD has for each of HIS children here on earth. In these dark and foul days of deception, lies, false and wicked doctrines that are on every hand, GOD, has a Proven and Practical, Personal, Protection Plan for you and for me. The Book of Proverbs will speak of the reality of spiritual life and death, it shines the Glorious Truth of GOD'S wisdom upon the foolishness of man, which includes Christians. Be ready to stand before the bar of the WORD of GOD and you shall be poked and prodded by GOD'S Truth.
Text: Jonah 1: 14 to 17
Our Beloved Pastor Nulph is continuing the study of Jonah. Here in Lesson 5 we will learn and behold things that are out of order and not done in obedience. Notice that the pagan sailors were the ones who prayed to the LORD, not for their lives but the life of Jonah. Is this not what the prophet of GOD should have been doing? They also prayed to GOD that because of Jonah's sin, why should they perish. Here Jonah had become the the reason for sorrow and personal loss to these sailors. In their obedience to GOD, they threw Jonah into the sea.
Text: Psalms 37: 1 to 8
By the Grace of GOD, may THY WORD be heard and blessed unto many. Here we will have revealed to us in GOD'S WORD the absolute Precious Prohibitions that we have and must cherish! Our life is made up of Prohibitions, we make decisions all the day long on the Prohibitions we encounter each and every day. The Precious Prohibitions in Scripture are more precious then all the gold and jewels in the whole world.Precious Prohibitions will create in the true Christian "meekness", which is a holy obedient life in total agreement with GOD'S will.
Text: Matthew 24
Pastor Nulph looks at the world's current events and by the WORD of GOD reveals that all is well as GOD is in full and absolute control. The focus of the true Christian needs to be on the WORD of GOD and what the LORD has said and that GOD'S will is being fulfilled as we speak. We are to cleave unto JESUS CHRIST who is the Beginning and End of all of our being. We must be always looking and obeying what the WORD of GOD tells, commands us and directions us, for it is for our good.
Text: Jonah 2: 1 to 10
Here the Lesson 5 ends and we begin Lesson 6. Here we see and learn of what Jonah finally did and yet his attitude had not changed. GOD, blessed be HIS Name, shows nothing to Jonah but faithfulness, kindness, and long-suffering. Is this not what GOD shows to us when we walk through this world, not doing that which we know to do for the LORD? This Book of Jonah is a tremendous learning and teaching for the Christian conduct and action in this world and in obedience to GOD.
Text: Psalms 85: 1 to 13
In this sermon Pastor by the leading of the HOLY GHOST reveals what true worship of GOD is as revealed in the WORD of GOD. The requirements of GOD are four things that are the exact opposite of each other which are found in VERSE 10, "Mercy and Truth are met together; Righteousness and Peace have kissed [each other]." True Worship is that we are Righteous, free of sin, Righteousness and Peace are the reality of the LORD!
Text: Psalms 22 and 23
One word will describe this sermon, AMAZING! When we hear how our wonderful LORD wrote these Psalms and how these two Psalms 22 and 23 are a reflection of each other. By the Grace of GOD, Pastor reveals these amazing truths found in these Psalms, truly the hairs on your neck will stand and praise the LORD! What a Scripture, what a Bible, what an AMAZING GOD!
Text: Jonah 2: 1 to 10
Here we find Jonah is the belly of the great beast, that GOD had created just for him. It is finally after 3 days and three nights Jonahs begins to pray to GOD. In his pray are the words of a man who was very reluctant to obey GOD command to him. After, and only after Jonah is thrown overboard and swallowed by the great beast did GOD get Jonah's attention. How is your obedience with GOD?
Text: Colossians 1: 1 to 10
GOD is wanting to reconcile with sinners, to bring them into the Glorious GOSPEL of CHRIST and HIS Salvation. The word reconciliation means is the end of the estrangement, caused by original sin, between GOD and humanity. Reconciliation as the peace between humanity and GOD that results from the expiation of Adam's sin and the propitiation, means to satisfy the wrath of God against sin. What a glorious wonderful GOD we have. He can be yours also.
Text: 2 Timothy 4:1 to 8
This will encourage your heart and challenge your belief in the very, very soon return of the LORD JESUS CHRIST! True believers welcome the challenge of the WORD of GOD and our belief that CHRIST will return at any moment. While "others" play at church and at the things of GOD as their belief is not of GOD but themselves.
Text: Jonah 2: 1 to 10
Thank you LORD for this time of studying THY WORD. We find Jonah has been swallowed whole by the great beast GOD created for this purpose. Jonah remains in the beast 3 days and 3 nights, finally Jonah repents of his sin of refusing t go to the city of Nineveh. Jonah states that even at the bottom of the sea he remember the holy temple and that Salvation is of the LORD.
Text: Matthew 26: 14 to 35
You probably believed that this sermon was about the Great Scandal of Judas Iscariot, well you are wrong. This is a amazing sermon from GOD and it deals with you and me. Te Scandal in Greek it looks almost the same in English, it is the word OFFENCES, meaning snare (figuratively, cause of displeasure or sin): — occasion to fall (of stumbling), offence, thing that offends, stumbling block. What do we do that causes unsaved people to not want to hear the GOSPEL, rather then draw them, we drive them away.
Text: Psalms 73: 1 to 28
As the Bible is unfolding before our eyes, we must look to Israel, in particular Jerusalem, GOD declares, Zechariah 12:2 (KJB) "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem." Israel means "The Prince of GOD". It is Israel's GOD who is the focus of the WORD of GOD and to the descendants spiritually of Israel, the Church that was first by the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
2023.11.12 - Sunday Morning Sermon - Jonah Lesson 6 continuing
Text: Jonah 2: 1 to 10
Here we look at when Jonah finally prayed. How was his mood? How repentant was Jonah? Why did Jonah require force to pray to GOD? Was Jonah's pray about him, GOD, or the sailors and the inhabitant of Nineveh? In our lives do we pray always to GOD or do we ignore GOD, do you realize that GOD wants to speak with you when you pray? GOD waits for us to pray to HIM.
Text: Matthew 26: 14 to 35
What a subject to preach about, JESUS CHRIST is coming, again. CHRIST has come once, as the WORD of GOD prophesied in the Old Testament in many verses and in Galatians 4:4 and 5, (KJB) "But when the fulness of the time was come, GOD sent forth HIS SON, made of a woman, made under the Law, To redeem them that were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption of sons." As surely as CHRIST came the first, very soon CHRIST is coming for HIS Church will happen" Come LORD JESUS CHRIST!
Text: Isaiah 53: 1 to 12 73: 1 to 28
Here GOD reveals how the LORD JESUS CHRIST acted and responded to HIS propitiation for our sins. The role of CHRIST in Crucifixion. What CHRIST death meant, who HE died for, why HE died and its eternal valve to those who have been born-again in Faith in the finished work of the LORD JESUS CHRIST and the eternal life it provides forever!
Text: Jonah 2: 1 to 10
Look at just how far GOD went to get a hold of HIS disobedient prophet Jonah. Jonah run away from GOD, he slept through a violent storm at sea, he did not care for the lives or livelihood of the sailors, he finally acknowledge he was the problem. Rather then surrender to GOD'S will Jonah tried to commit suicide by being thrown overboard. Jonah did not know that GOD had already prepared a great beast to save Jonah. Yet still it was not enough.
Text: Psalms 72
The WORD of GOD reveals the titles that are CHRIST the MESSIAH'S only, for CHRIST is unique, HE is one of a kind, HE is the SON of the LIVING GOD, for CHRIST is GOD! As Pastor Nulph by the HOLY GHOST shows a few of CHRIST'S titles, it is terrifying to think that uncountable people do not care and live their lives without CHRIST and this truth of CHRIST'S MESSIAHSHIP. And what about us, what do these titles mean to us? Do they drive us to our knees in our heart in Godly fear? Do we dwell upon these titles of this most known figure in human history? GOD knows what we believe.
TEXT: Exodus
What a very special sermon this is, to look and hear about the second book of the Old Testament Canon, Exodus. Pastor leads us through the Book of Exodus and you will be astounded at what we hear and read. The truths we shall hear shall cause our love for GOD to grow and strengthen as we learn and hear again some passages that are familiar to our spirits, yet the freshest of the truth of GOD'S WORD will encourage and teach us anew.
Study: Book of Jonah
Text: Jonah 2: 1 to 10
Today, by GOD'S Grace we shall look at Jonah his condition, his depth of love and obedience to GOD. In this Lesson, Jonah illustrates what many, many Christians have and it is called "obstinate obedience". Which is having GOD as HE did with Jonah having to bring situations into Jonah's life in order to complete the will of GOD. How about you and me do we present to GOD "obstinate obedience"?
Sermon: Jesus Shall Reign
Text: Psalms 110
It is absolutely, and positively assured by the Bible that the LORD JESUS CHRIST reigns, before HE came to earth HE reigned, during HIS time on earth HE reigned, and shall reign for eternity forever! The joy of a redeemed soul is that the wonderment and the blessedness of the assurance of the Reign of CHRIST JESUS gives the child of GOD the joy, the stillness of any issue outside of GOD is for ever nonexistent. What a a Great GOD we serve and love, the only GOD who reigns in Majesty sublime and exceeding never ending Glory!
Sermon: Do You Walk With GOD?
Text: Genesis 5. 17 to 24
The Bible is filled with the joy and exceeding blessedness when one walks in obedience with GOD. Shall we not strive to do as these Bible saints did, they walked with GOD for they pleased GOD; Enoch, Job, Moses, Elijah and in the days of HIS flesh our LORD JESUS!
These are our ensamples to strive to be as GOD desires for each of us. How do you walk with GOD? Do you walk with GOD always? Do you barely have time to be with GOD? or is GOD all you want, have, need, and desire? GOD knows whether you desire to walk with HIM.
2023.12.10 - Sunday Morning Bible Class - Jonah Lesson 7 continuing
Text: Jonah 2: 1 to 10
We continue with the study of the Book of Jonah. Here Pastor looks at the condition of Jonah's heart and the mercy of GOD. It truly is an amazing thing that GOD mercy is beyond our understanding. Jonah is a type of Christians who are not obedient to GOD and how GOD'S mercy is always desiring to makes us obedient but are we humble enough to submit.
Sermon: 'The Prophetic Perfect'
Text: Isaiah 7:1 to 14
May GOD be glorified in this sermon. The world wants all to think that in some things you can become perfect, no that is a lie. For ALL have sinned and fallen short of th Glory of GOD. There is but one who is absolute perfection, that is the LORD JESUS CHRIST. In order to be the propitiation for SIN, our SIN, ALL of our SIN. Thank you FATHER for THE unspeakable gift, THY only begotten SON.
Sermon: 'The Art Of Christian Living'
Text: 1 John 1: 1 to 10
Christian living is a very , very important to each born-again Christian. In becoming a true Christian you have become the enemy of the world and the Devil. You are watched and you are being judged by the people of the world. How we live for CHRIST may be the only Bible some people will ever read. Is there enough evidence, that in a court you would be guilty of being a true Christian.
Text: Jonah 2: 1 to 10
May GOD bless HIS precious WORD. We are still Chapter 2 as the Book of Jonah is an amazing part of the Bible, here Jonah is once again looked at to have revealed praying and its importance both to GOD and our attitude about praying. Jonah pray to GOD and GOD heard him but what kind of pray did Jonah offer? Is like some of ours prayers to GOD formal but empty? When we pray we are speaking to GOD, the one who paid the price which we could never do, do offer up prayers of gratefulness, thanksgiving, humbleness, and love unto GOD?
Text: Luke 1. 46 to 55
Pastor opens the WORD of GOD to the book of Luke to look the birth of CHRIST, and the songs that it caused to be recorded in Scripture. The multitude of heavenly hosts, The songs the The song of Mary in her Magnificat, The song of Simeon, The song of Zacharias. The most important song is the one that GOD has placed in your heart if you are truly saved by faith in the Death, Burial, and the Resurrection of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Text: Philippians 1: 1 to 5
This world runs on strife, fear, worry, doubt, emptiness, loneliness and hopelessness. Doctor's prescriptions are at an all time high for drugs, to calm, sooth, and help to lift people out of the world's weariness, alas it is no avail. Christians, true born-again Christians have the only hope for what causing strife, JESUS CHRIST, with Salvation we learn to work out what GOD has worked in. 1 Peter 3:15 (KJB) "But sanctify the LORD GOD in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the HOPE that is in you with meekness and fear:"
Text: Jonah 2: 1 to 10
Today Pastor takes through the 2nd Chapter of Jonah, due to its depth and riches to be mined. Jonah is inside the beast belly, he is in total darkness, he is cold, he has seaweed wrapped about his head. He prays to GOD and GOD hears him and Jonah is vomited out by the beast on dry land. What he says is "Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown" and went and sit down and waited for the destruction of over a million people.
Text: Luke 1. 1 to 20
The sermon by Pastor will look at the greatest GIFT ever of ALL gifts. By the Grace of GOD, we shall come to greater understanding and just how precious is our Heavenly FATHER for giving the world HIS only begotten SON, JESUS CHRIST. If you have received this GIFT, praise GOD, bless GOD and tell others that this GIFT can be theirs. What will you do with the greatest GIFT ever given to every single person on this earth?
Text: John 15: 1 to 27
The question that needs to be answered. When we look at the Glorious LORD of GOD of the Bible, our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, we are so over-whelmed by HIS Goodness, Grace, and HIS Mercy. As this sermon unfolds, we shall be completely blessed and motivated in desire to be more holy and more obedient in our walk with our LORD!
Text: Jonah 2: 1 to 10
This ends Lesson 7 and see the false repentance of Jonah as he worshipped GOD in vain. For Jonah said "I will pay [that] that I have vowed". To which once Jonah was in Nineveh he spoke but 5 Hebrews words and proceed to go outside the city and wait for Nineveh's destruction. How does Jonah's actions against GOD relate our own? Do we obey GOD at all times? How is our attitude about what GOD'S will for us to do? We are to learn from Jonah as it is why GOD placed it before us in these lessons.
Text: Galatians 2: 16 to 21
This sermon has look at ourselves and about dying to CHRIST everyday, though our fleshly bodies are dying second by second. What matters to very true and faithful Christian is to life for CHRIST very single second and die to self every single second of every day. For we are bought with a price that NO ONE could or can pay, IF you are truly saved and sealed by the HOLY GHOST.
TEXT: Hebrews 9
What an absolutely amazing and all-powerful LORD GOD ALMIGHTY we have been redeemed by! The sacrifice of the blood of bulls, goats, lamb's and other animals were but coverings for a short time to be repeated at each service before GOD for the temporary covering of every Hebrews sins. Whether with the LORD JESUS CHRIST, HIS Glorious giving of HIS life in the ONCE FOR ALL Sacrifice is for ONCE, never to be repeated again. What a Marvellous and Wonderful SAVIOUR is JESUS my LORD!
Sermon: 'Christ, our Cornerstone'
Text: Isaiah 28: 14 to 22
The LORD JESUS CHRIST is the Chief Cornerstone, HE has been tested, tried, HE is immovable, unshakable and HE is Gracious, Kind, Merciful and ready to forgive or crush to powder. Our Glorious LORD was offer to HIS own, the Jews, and was Rejected, the Chief Cornerstone was rejected and now the dispensation of Gentiles, by the rejection of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, their Messiah, we have GOD'S Grace available to the Gentiles through faith in the LORD JESUS.
Sermon: 'When will Messiah come'
Text: Daniel 9: 24 to 27
The Sunday Morning Sermon was on the Chief Cornerstone whom the Jews rejected. The Jews to this very hour are awaiting their Messiah. The Messiah is for the Jews only! Christ has come once and HE is coming again in the Second Coming at the end of the Great Tribulation. Here, CHRIST saves the remnant of HIS chosen people the Jews. Daniel was a man greatly beloved by GOD. A faithful man of prayer for his people Israel, the Jews.
2024.01.21 - Sunday Morning Bible Class - Jonah Lesson 8 continuing
Text: Jonah 3: 1 to 10
We, as true and faithful Christians must learn from Jonah, that GOD'S will is our everything. GOD'S will is for our good and guide through this life and unto Glory with the LORD JESUS CHRIST. In Jonah we find out that no matter what you attempt to do, you will not achieve what you want and you will receive that which we need from GOD, the easy way obedience or by chastisement. Either way it is GOD'S will done!
Sermon: 'The Ministry of the Holy Spirit'
Text: John 16:1 to 16
Try and understand and grasp what it means to have the HOLY GHOST in you, who has sealed you unto the day of redemption. The absolute joy of the workings of GOD the HOLY GHOST as HE prepares us for the the unknowable, 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 (KJB) "But as it is Written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which GOD hath prepared for them that love HIM. But GOD hath revealed them unto us by HIS SPIRIT: for the SPIRIT searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of GOD." This is life with GOD dear ones.
Sermon: "Attend an early Church Service"
Text: Acts 12. 1 to 17
Look at the Apostle Peter, he was jailed and to be killed the next day. The brethren in CHRIST were fervent in prayer for Peter's care and situation. GOD sent an angel to free Peter in the heart of the jail surrounded by dozens of guards and Peter himself was chained and chained to guards so his escape was impossible. But not for GOD, supernaturally GOD freed Peter and we find him knocking at the church door. Where a sister named Rhoda heard Peter's voice, she was shocked and ran to tell the others and they did .......
2024.01.28 - Sunday Morning Bible Class - Jonah Lesson 8 continuing
Text: Jonah 3: 1 to 10
In this Mornings teaching of the Book of Jonah, we shall come to understand the importance of obedience to GOD in all stages of life and in all situations. In doing the work on GOD we must learn that there is a great inner joy in serving the LORD and in fulling HIS will. GOD'S desire is that all men be saved. We are GOD'S witnesses in this world. Be not like Jonah, be like the LORD JESUS.
Sermon: 'The Beginning and the End'
Text: Revelation Chapter 1
There is a beginning to all things and there is an ending to all things. Our life had its beginning and it will have its end in either the rapture or in death. Remember that IN CHRIST is everything, OUTSIDE of CHRIST is loss of everything. When we see just how quickly our lives can be changed. May today be the wake up call we need to change that purpose in our lives.
Sermon: "The Incredible Omniscience of God"
Text: Psalm 119: 17 to 22
GOD is incredible, Merciful, Glorious, Wonderful, and HE is our Heavenly FATHER! CHRIST JESUS is our burden bearer, we are to cast all our cares upon HIM for HE careth for us. We need to boast on GOD, we need to tell others about our blessed and wonderful Heavenly FATHER, the LORD JESUS CHRIST. GOD is a rewarder for our obedience and has a tremendous desire to speak one on one with each of us, WOW!
Pastor and Nettie Nulph
Sunday 10:00 AM - Morning Bible Class
Sunday 11:00 AM - Morning Service
Sunday 2:00 PM - Afternoon Service
Wednesday 7:00 PM - Bible Study
Precious Prayer Time.
Video and Audio sermons are posted weekly.
February 20
Sunday Morning Bible Class
"Learning the hard way"
Daniel 4: 19 to 37
Sunday Morning Sermon
Exodus 1: 1 to 14
Sunday Afternoon Sermon
"O, ye of little faith)"
Matthew 6: 24
Wednesday Night Bible Study
(February 19, 2025)
"Jogging our memories"
Hebrews 13: 13 to 25
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