The Book of Jonah - Prophet Jonah Overview
"Received" - John 1: 1 to 13
Revelation Revealed - Revelation 1: 1 to 8
Are you an always Christian? - 1 Corinthians 3: 1 to 3
How Great is our God! - Psalms 18: 1 to 3
What is Jesus Christ to you? - 1 Corinthians 1: 30 and 31
Three Momentous Moments
> Luke 4:5
>> 1 Corinthians 15:52
>>> 2 Corinthians 4:17
Are you a Resolute Christian? - Psalms 119
What is in a name? - John 3:16
Jonah Chapter One
The Pastor takes the Book of Jonah and by the revelation of GOD the HOLY GHOST, opens a wonderment of lessons for our edification and learning. We see that when it is GOD there is NO chance of not doing what HIS will is. We see Jonah run, and try to hide and yet Jonah does what GOD'S will was for him. When we read and study Jonah, we need to look at our lives and do we act and think at times like Jonah did?
Mark 9: 42 to 48 and revelation 20: 12 to 15.
Pastor Nulph reveals by the leading of the HOLY GHOST, the true and unvarnished look at the very real place called HELL! Our LORD JESUS CHRIST speaks more about HELL than HE did about Heaven, why? Simply put, GOD does NOT want you to go there! At your death, if as the rich man in Luke 16, you open your eyes being in torments, do NOT blame GOD, place the blame where it started and where it finished, with YOU! 2 Peter 3:9 (KJB) "The LORD is not slack concerning HIS promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
1 Peter 1: 1 to 13.
We live in a world of shifting sand, where reality is what you think it is, yet that is an illusion, it is fake, and it is NOT real. The only thing real in this world is the GOSPEL of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Pastor Nulph by the guidance of the HOLY GHOST shows us that the WORD of GOD is the SOLID Foundation in this world of SIN, wickedness, pain, and suffering, these are the shifting sands of this dying world. By the WORD of GOD, 2 Peter 1:19 (KJB) "We have also a more sure WORD of PROPHECY (the WORD of GOD); where unto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star (the LORD JESUS CHRIST) arise in your hearts:"
The continuing study of the Book of Jonah - Verses 1 to 6.
Today we look at the Will of GOD and Jonah's response. By Jonah actions, all is revealed to the truth of life of Jonah, and how it had NO effect on the will of GOD. Is there any of Jonah characteristics in our lives when it comes to obeying our LORD JESUS CHRIST? GOD knows, and nothing we do or think will alter what GOD'S will is for our lives.
MIRACLE of miracles - Isaiah 7:1 to 14
Pastor looks at the Miracle of all time. By the leading of GOD the HOLY GHOST, we are revealed the wonderful, glorious plan of the LORD GOD and its eternal effect of all of mankind. How has this miracle effect you? Have you had an eternal encounter with the miracle, the LORD JESUS CHRIST?
Prophecy - Genesis 2: 15 to 17
This sermon, by the GRACE of GOD, Pastor shall reveal to us about Bible and Prophecy. The Bible stands above every other book ever written, there is no other Book that can begin to speak about itself, and look at the Bible and know complete defeat. Biblical Prophecy is over half of what the Bible is written about and in the Prophecies of the Messiah, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, prophecies written thousands of years before CHRIST was born of a virgin, over 300 prophecies were fulfilled in the Birth, Life, Death, and Resurrection of the LORD JESUS CHRIST!
Jonah 1: 1 to 6
This is the ongoing study of the Biblical Book of the WORD of GOD. In this study as lead by GOD the HOLY GHOST, Pastor Nulph shows what the thoughts of Jonah were and are and how we do at times the same things. The life of Jonah is a great lesson in knowing and fearing of our Great GOD.
Title: "THE"
Luke 18: 9 to 14.
"THE" is a very, very amazing word that GOD used in HIS writing of the New Testament. The word "the" appears over 20,000 times in the New Testament. As the HOLY GHOST guides Pastor to the use of the word "the", it is an incredible clarity and brings the truth of how the reasons of both the meaning and the purpose of the word "the".
Title: Rightly Interpreting Bible Prophecy
In our time, the great weakness and very bad theology is found in the mis use of Bible Prophecy. As GOD the HOLY GHOST guides Pastor Nulph we learn and understand the absolute importance of the correct and GOD honouring way we, as true Christians are to read and interpret Bible prophecy. Having the the correct understanding and the proper requirements to read and intrepid the WORD of GOD and GOD'S prophecies can have no greater truth then interpreting the Prophecy of the WORD of GOD correctly.
Title: Jonah Lesson Two
We continue looking at the life of Jonah and how it is a reflection of our lives at different times with GOD. Jonah was a Prophet of GOD, so the issue is did Jonah receive and handle his command from GOD? Jonah was to preach to the wicked city of Nineveh, and he only spoke 5 Hebrew words. How did Jonah react to this command from GOD? How do you and I respond to the WORD of GOD?
Title: 'Faith that works' - Philippians 3: 1 to 14
Today by the Grace of GOD, Pastor Nulph looks at 'Faith That Works' as all true born-again Christians know that it is Faith that we believe and obey GOD. Faith is the ONLY meanings of the Salvation of CHRIST, you can NOT work for it, if you believe you must do something to achieve Salvation you shall NEVER be saved. Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJB) "For by grace are ye saved through FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of GOD: NOT of works, lest any man should boast."
Title: 'Bible Covenants' - Hebrews 6: 12 to 20
The importance of Bible Covenants can not be over stated. By the guidance of GOD the HOLY GHOST, we shall look at what GOD has to say to us about HIS Glorious Covenants. From these Covenants flow riches and blessing for the people of GOD. Remember that most of the Covenants are for the Jews, it also is attributed to us, for in Romans 11:16-18 (KJB) "For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches. And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree; Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee."
Text: Jonah 1
In today's lesson Pastor Nulph by the guidence of the HOLY GHOST looks at Jonah and how Jonah viewed GOD. Just like today there are uncounted number of people who call themselves Christians and will obey GOD, they do not fear GOD. Just as Jonah life shows us how he handled his relationship with GOD. How are you doing with your relationship with GOD? You may watch the video here:
Text: 2 Timothy 4.1 to 5
By the blessing of GOD through the HOLY GHOST, Pastor Nulph reveals the heart of a true and faithful Pastor, which also includes you and me. The WORD of GOD is absolutely clear and commands that we preach the WORD of GOD. Pastors are to preach the WORD of GOD "in season" - when we want to hear the WORD of GOD, and "out of season" - when we do not want to hear the WORD of GOD. GOD demands and commands faithfulness and obedience from each of HIS redeemed children. Are you preaching the WORD, is your life a sermon for those around you? You may watch the video here:
Text: Genesis 12.1 to 4
This amazing seron is by the Grace of GOD to us; the WORD of GOD reveals to us that Bible Covenants are so very important to Jews and to the true Christians. There are 2 types of Biblical Covenants;
1. Conditional Covenants.
Both GOD and Man have responsibility.
2. Unconditional Covenants.
Which GOD alone is responsible.
By these covenants, follow the blessing of GOD, to both Jew and true Christians. Remember, because of the Jews rejection of JESUS CHRIST as their Messiah, GOD has not stop HIS love and plan for Israel, but has placed Israel on hold and having turned to us the "gentiles", Romans 11:17-22 (KJB) "And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree; Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee. Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in. Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear: For if GOD spared not the natural branches, take heed lest HE also spare not thee. Behold therefore the goodness and severity of GOD: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in HIS goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off." You may watch the video here:
Text: Jonah 1: 1 to 8
As we pick up our Bible Class on the book of Jonah, it is by the Grace of GOD we see and hear the revelation of the gift of GOD to mankind, HIS Holy Word. In Jonah, we will find ourselves, GOD commands of each of us who are truly born-again, to a call to action, what are you doing for the LORD? It is time to WAKE UP, are you awake, are doing the FATHER'S business? It is a time to WALK, are you walking, a life of holiness? It is a time of WARNING, are you warning those around you?
Text: John 1: 1 to 14
As we are guided by the HOLY GHOST through the WORD of GOD, Pastor Nulph looks at the BEGINNING and the END, that is none other than the LORD JESUS CHRIST. The definite article is "the", meaning, one of a kind, pointing out something important of extreme importance, that being JESUS CHRIST. We must have our BEGINNING in CHRIST and our ENDING in CHRIST there is NO other way.
Text: Matthew 16: 15 to 19
By the illumination of the HOLY GHOST we shall learn of the BEGINNING of the CHURCH unto ETERNITY. We shall learn of the TRUTH of the statement that was revealed to Peter from GOD the FATHER, that upon Peter's statement, CHRIST shall build HIS Church and the gates of HELL shall NEVER prevail against it.
Text: Jonah 1. 1 to 8
In this study Pastor Nulph looks at the condition of Jonah and his attitude towards GOD. By the leading of GOD the HOLY GHOST we learn that we belong to GOD, once we are truly saved, 1 Corinthians 6:20 (KJB) "For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify GOD in your body, and in your spirit, which are GOD'S." We love the LORD and we show GOD our love for HIM by our obedience and faithfulness to CHRIST. Jonah is the example of how NOT to be a true obedient and faithful Christian.
Sunday Afternoon Sermon - "Father's Day"
Text: Proverbs 23:15 to 26
By the Grace of Almighty GOD, Pastor by the WORD of GOD shows us about Godly Christian fathers, which in turn brings us to the all consuming truth that our FATHER in Heaven is the true and only FATHER of HIS redeemed Children. On this day of when fathers are remembered, is our full and complete attention and love for our earthy father or is it where it must be GOD our Heavenly FATHER? Families are the gift from GOD our FATHER and we must place our Heavenly FATHER completely above our earthly father.
Sunday Morning Sermon - "Living Sacrifice"
Text: Romans 12: 1 and 2
As by the leading of the HOLY GHOST, Pastor preaches on being a "Living Sacrifice" which is an amazing thing indeed. We are shown by the WORD of GOD why we are "Living Sacrifices" and how we are to maintain and grow in our faithfulness and obedience to GOD, that our lives are to testimonies to this dying world. Sacrifice entails giving up, surrendering things whether physical or spiritual, which are our gifts to our Great GOD. Are you conformed or transformed?
Text: Jonah 3
As Pastor by the guidance of the HOLY GHOST shows in the WORD of GOD how do to act as Jonah did. There is a little Jonah in all of us. GOD command Jonah to go to Nineveh and preach the Judgment of GOD would fall in 40 days in they did not repent. Was Jonah existed, thankful for the LORD'S Mercy and Grace to these wicked Ninevites? No, Jonah ran away from GOD; there is NO place to run or hide from GOD!
Text: Ephesians 2: 1 to 10
The GOSPEL of CHRIST, is a Three-fold Salvation, meaning it contains three glorious truths for the true redeemed Christian. By the WORD of GOD, Pastor follows the Scripture and reveal its truth about the Salvation purchased by CHRIST on Calvary. It is encouraging, challenging and a huge spiritual on-going lesson that we may drink deeply of its Glorious Life, and realize just how powerful, wonderful and glorious is our Heavenly FATHER.
Text: 2 kings 7: 1 to 20
This is an amazing passage of the WORD of GOD, by the leading of GOD the HOLY GHOST we shall see how GOD is not mocked, nor made light of as GOD is GOD in all HE does. Here we have the Prophet of GOD Elisha, to whom GOD spake how the people were to be feed. There are two men who according to themselves thought better of there own wisdom than obedience to GOD. Listen to what happens to them and how GOD provided for HIS people. It is the unbeliever and the believer.
Text: Jonah 1: 1 to 7
This study of Jonah has been amazing and very revealing about how we must have a tender heat towards GOD and the desire to be obedient and thankful for the Glorious treasure of a personal eternal relationship with our Heavenly FATHER. Learn from Jonah that is NOT how he was with GOD, and sometimes we are the same.
Text: John 3. 9 to 21
Do you have Eternal Life? How did you receive this blessed and holy gift? For SALVATION is of the LORD! The LORD JESUS CHRIST is Eternal Life and by the WORD of GOD and the the leading of the HOLY GHOST, Pastor will show forth the WORD of GOD and its eternal glorious message!
Text: Matthew 24. 29 to 39
The negative of the WORD of GOD, it is truly a marvel and that we are blessed by GOD and the learning and understanding the negative that Holy Scripture has. It will encourage you and challenge you how absolutely wonderful and frightening the WORD of GOD is! For it is TRUTH, it is the WORD of GOD!
The continuing study of the Book of Jonah
Text: Jonah 1: 1 to 4
By the Grace of GOD we shall see several questions that apply to us from the life of Jonah;
1. Do always do what we are command ed to do by Scripture?
2. How do we view the lost of this world, like Jonah did?
3. Is there some on Jonah in each of us?
Truly Jonah was a man of GOD yet showed no interest in GOD'S Will, therefore do us?
Sermon - "Adopted"
Text: Romans 8: 1 to 39
The amazing Grace of GOD and the Glory of Salvation is also accompanied by the adoption of CHRIST and heirs to to be glorified together! What a Salvation, what an adoption, what a GOD, the SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, HE is LORD!
Sermon - "Helps to Prayer"
Text: Romans 3: 1 to 4
Here the WORD of GOD as lead by the HOLY GHOST leads us by Pastor's sermon to be encouraged, and taught how praying to GOD is something that is of an eternal value in our daily lives. Prayer is far more than just speaking to GOD to is a loving blessed event that calls our souls to seek the ear and heart of GOD in our prayers, O, that this Truth would swell within our souls!
Text: Jonah 4 to 8
In this lesson, GOD has Graciously reveal to us that no matter what Jonah's choices were, if they were not to be obeyed, GOD"S will is still fulfilled and completed with or with out Jonah. This is also true to us, when we make choices that are not in perfect agreement with GOD'S will for us, it does not stop GOD from HIS will being done in our lives. So are we being as Jonah? Or do we desire and with all our heart to be obedient and follow the WORD of GOD?
Text: Ephesians 4: 17 to 32
Do we realize that at Salvation, we are sealed by GOD the HOLY GHOST until the Day of the fulfillment of CHRIST'S Salvation of us. This SEAL of GOD the HOLY GHOST is our proof of GOD'S sealing us fro the wrath to come and that it verifies the approval of GOD of HIS promise to complete as promised! The Prophet Daniel was sealed in the den of lions but because of the seal of GOD on his life, Daniel was unharmed. If you are truly saved you are sealed by GOD!
Text: Luke 5: 14 to 22
If you are Biblical and spiritually saved by faith in the LORD JESUS CHRIST, then you know just how Glorious and wonderful the gift of Eternal Life in Salvation is, it is "so Great Salvation". The joy, gladness, thanksgiving, fulfillment, and blessing it brings and continues each and very moment to mould us into the image of our Wonderful Saviour and LORD, JESUS CHRIST!
By the Grace of GOD, Pastor continues on with Lesson 4 of the book of Jonah study. It is the LORD who we hurt when we are disobedient to HIS will. What do we do when we know that is what GOD wants us to do? Do busy ourselves with other things so as to ignore GOD? Remember NOT all things that come into our lives is from GOD. It is here that we must seek GOD to learn if it is from GOD and what is it that we are to learn.
By the Grace of GOD, Pastor continues on with Lesson 4 of the book of Jonah study. It is the LORD who we hurt when we are disobedent to HIS will. What do we do when we know that is what GOD wants us to do? Do busy ourselves with other things so as to ignore GOD? Remember NOT all things that come into our lives is from GOD. It is here that we must seek GOD to learn if it is from GOD and what is it that we are to learn.
Text: 1 John 5: 1 to 21
What name has GOD called CHRIST Sacrifice to us, the gift of ETERNAL LIFE! In this sermon Pastor shows us that GOD has command us to KNOW that we have eternal life which cannot be lose or taken away. If Salvation can be lost, we make GOD a liar and HIS Truth is not in us. The GOD of the Bible can not only save us, HE will also keep us from falling, Jude 24 (KJB) "Now unto HIM that is able to keep you (place your name here) from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of HIS Glory with Exceeding Joy,"
Once again Pastor by the Grace of ALMIGHTY GOD brings forth a teaching of the WORD of GOD. This teaching is called the imperative mood, the New Testament uses indicative statements when discussing what GOD has done, is doing or will do. Imperative statements are used when saying what we should do. There are positive and negative imperative moods that are so important to learn. The Bible is without end and learning of its riches encourages and strengthens Christians for further work for GOD.
Text: Study of Jonah 1 - Lesson 4 Continuing
We are in the Book of Jonah, this Morning by the Grace of GOD, we shall look at why Jonah is a type of how Christians must never act towards GOD. Jonah was the most miserable prophet, he was called of GOD to do GOD'S will and was so unwilling to do it. Sadly, there are many Christians who are also miserable Christians, in that because they chose to disobey GOD, their lives are completely unhappy and miserable. Jonah preached and witnessed the conversion of over a million souls and he was furious at GOD, why?
Text: Hebrews 7. 1 to 28
As the LORD leads, Pastor opens the WORD of GOD to look at the LORD JESUS CHRIST, who can, will, and does "Save To The Uttermost". The church is filled with wrong doctrine, spurious and false in both design and belief. CHRIST is GOD and HE it is who created us, it is HE who gave HIMSELF for us, Death, Burial, and Resurrection, it is HE who redeemed us. it is HE who desires us to be saved, and it is HE who sustains and preserves us until the Day of Redemption.
Text: John 12: 20 to 33
We thank GOD for HIS HOLY WORD and ask that HE bless it this day. The WORD of GOD is very clear on how we are to present and preach the GOSPEL of Christ, it is as we read in John 12:32-33 (KJB) "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto ME. This HE said, signifying what death HE should die." Also we see and hear how the Apostle Paul stated in 1 Corinthians 2:2 (KJB) "For I determined not to know any thing among you, save JESUS CHRIST, and HIM crucified." This is the only way to preach Salvation to the lost.
Sunday Bible Class Jonah lesson 4 continuing
Here, by the Grace of GOD we learn of how as Children of GOD to act. Jonah is an example of how not to be a Christian. Look how Jonah, who was a prophet called of GOD, when he was given a job to to do, when GOD send GO, Jonah did NOT go but ran in the opposite direction. This did NOT stop GOD'S will for Nineveh, but it did stop Jonah. Learn from Jonah, and be obedient, faithful, trustworthy and true.
Text: John 13:36 to 14:3
Glory to GOD in the Highest, for the Salvation of HIS only Begotten SON, JESUS CHRIST, the LAMB of GOD which taketh away the sins of the world. Only, and I mean only Salvation received by a repentant SINNER super naturally from GOD knows what it is , what means and what it has done to the their soul. You in the world BUT not of it, you are a stranger in a dry land, your home is not of this world. For Heaven is JESUS CHRIST and its blessing is ours eternally!
Text: Numbers 12" 1 to 8
May GOD bless HIS HOLY WORD, riddles, translated means "Dark Speeches". 1 Kings 10:1 "Hard Questions" means riddles. GOD spoke in riddles to teach, so only those to whom HE spoke might learn. Samson was a fleshly person, who did NOT know the will or the work of GOD'S HOLY GHOST in his life. The Law given by Moses was in perfect clarity, easy to understand, Grace and Truth came by JESUS CHRIST, HE spoke Truth, NO riddles.
2023.08.13 - Sunday Bible Class Jonah lesson 4 continuing
As we continue in the this study of the book of Jonah, we pray GOD bless and give illumination to this study. We see that Jonah was the most used man by GOD to bring in the salvation by GOD of over 1,000,000 souls, and yet Jonah was angry at GOD for doing this. Are there things that GOD wants us to do and we will not do them? Of all the people in the world, true born-again Christians must not do likewise, but rather surrender unto GOD for HIS will is perfect and ways are just.
Please watch video here:
Text: Hebrews 12:1 to 13
In this blessed Word of GOD we see and read about GOD'S great and glorious love for each of HIS Redeemed. The Chastening of the love is a tremendous blessing to us, for a FATHER who so loves us, is going to do what needs to be done in order to provide guidance, correction, and chastening to build us up in the faith of GOD for preparation for Heaven and eternity. Rejoice when you are chastened, for it is ONLY the born-again believer who receives the loving chastening of the LORD. If you receive NO chastening you are not CHRIST'S!
Please watch video here:
Text: John 1: 1 to 3
This is an amazing sermon, for it looks again at the Bible and the Greek articles, there are many rich meanings that Pastor reveals to us. The understanding of the definite articles are a tremendous joy and encouragement in our study of the WORD of GOD. Pastor teaches and preaches to us about this very critical aspect of the Bible language, it encourages us to see what GOD wrote and how the WORD is again opened afresh to each of us.
Please watch video here:
Text: Jonah 1. 6 to 16
May GOD bless HIS HOLY WORD, what a mess that Jonah had created by SINNING against GOD. GOD will always have HIS Glorious will completed. Jonah refused to obey GOD and as we learned, GOD continues with HIS will and completes it no matter how terrible we have been toward our loving precious LORD GOD. Are you being more like CHRIST and obedient or is Jonah the person you follow?
Text: Revelation 2: 1 to 7
The church of he LORD JESUS CHRIST is a to run and be handled as GOD desire it to be, look at 1 Corinthians 14:33 (KJB) "For GOD is not the Author of confusion, but of Peace, as in all churches of the saints." Is this what we see in the church of JESUS CHRIST today? NO, it is a ball of confusion which grows and continues to destroy church after church. Is our church the home of PEACE and Obedience to CHRIST? I pray to GOD it is and it shall remain so, by GOD'S Wonderful Grace!
Text: Luke 9:57 to 62
The GOSPEL of CHRIST is to make disciples of CHRIST, to be HIS follower, to aligned with CHRIST'S WORD, HIS Will, and to spread HIS Glorious GOSPEL, making disciples of all "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you". As CHRIST disciple, are you faithful? Are you obedient? Are you seeking the lost for your LORD? To be CHRIST'S disciple, is to be as CHRIST was on earth as HE is in Heaven.
Text: Jonah 1. 8 to 16 - Lesson 5
May GOD graciously bless HIS WORD this Morning. Here we are into Lesson 5, what a study this Book of Jonah is, thank you LORD! When Jonah is questioned by the sailors, he makes this statement, Jonah 1:9 (KJB) "And he said unto them, I am an Hebrew; and I fear the LORD, the GOD of heaven, which hath made the sea and the dry land." This statement is "false", Jonah was commanded by GOD to go to Nineveh, Jonah said "No!" and he went in the completely opposite direction, completely disobeying GOD'S command. How many times have we been as Jonah and refused to do GOD'S will for our lives? The talk is not what makes you a Christian, it is the willing obedience to GOD, where the rubber meets the road.
Text: Luke 4: 14 to 30
The WORD of GOD is what we must love, know and obey willing and faithfully. CHRIST desired the HOLY GHOST be in in this ministry. CHRIST came with the HOLY GHOST to do the FATHER'S Will. The GODHEAD, the TRINITY is involved in the Salvation of mankind. Notice that blasphemy against the LORD JESUS can be forgiven, Mark 3:28-29 (KJB) "Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: But he that shall blaspheme against the HOLY GHOST hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:" The HOLY GHOST does NOT anoint anyone, for HE is the anointing! 1 John 2:27 (KJB) "But the anointing which ye have received of HIM abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is TRUTH, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in HIM."
Text: Judges 6: 1 to 16
This sermon asks a utterly important and vital question, Do you trust GOD? GOD already knows the truth of your answer! Trusting GOD is an walking with GOD in HIS Presence, desiring Holiness, and having a holy obedience to GOD. GOD'S Will is without error and is ALWAYS victorious. We must trust GOD by always counting upon HIM. GOD is the first and the last place we go, not to our own human reasoning, but to depend upon GOD for every single thing in our lives, no matter how small or over whelming. Jeremiah 32:27 (KJB) "Behold, I am the LORD, the GOD of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for ME?" The old saint John Gill wrote, “for if God is Jehovah, the Being of beings; if he is the God and Governor of the world, and all men in it, what is it he cannot do?”
Pastor and Nettie Nulph
Sunday 10:00 AM - Morning Bible Class
Sunday 11:00 AM - Morning Service
Sunday 2:00 PM - Afternoon Service
Wednesday 7:00 PM - Bible Study
Precious Prayer Time.
Video and Audio sermons are posted weekly.
February 20
Sunday Morning Bible Class
"Learning the hard way"
Daniel 4: 19 to 37
Sunday Morning Sermon
Exodus 1: 1 to 14
Sunday Afternoon Sermon
"O, ye of little faith)"
Matthew 6: 24
Wednesday Night Bible Study
(February 19, 2025)
"Jogging our memories"
Hebrews 13: 13 to 25
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