Text: Numbers 21: 1 to 9
If there is one thing that Christians do and do very well is complain! Yet the children of Israel in our Scripture today shows that no matter what did for them it was not good enough. So GOD sent to them fiery serpents that bite the people and they died. GOD after repentance from Israel, commanded Moses to make a serpent of brass, if any Israelite looked at the serpent was saved from death by the serpents bite. The Cross of CHRIST does the same thing only much better.
Text: Psalm 22
The WORD of GOD is supernatural, beyond man's understanding, in it is ALL truth and tells of enumerable things about events which GOD commands are going to happen. Psalm 22 written by GOD the HOLY GHOST through King David 1000 years before it happens!! Not a slight mention but complete forth telling of the events in which CHRIST would be apart of. Truly NO man spake like the LORD JESUS CHRIST!
Text Jonah 4: 2
Jonah was furious at GOD'S Mercy and Grace that he gave to the Ninevehvites that he was called to preach the pending judgment of GOD. What Jonah hated was that the people of Nineveh repenting at GOD'S warning. Sadly there are far too many who name the name of CHRIST who will not repent and they hate what GOD does in peoples lives.
Text: John 11: 1 to 45
The love of GOD is the Cross of CHRIST. It is what CHRIST the LORD has done and HE has FINISHED it! This the love of GOD that GOD would lay down HIS life for a wretched sinner and rise from the dead to eternal life. This IS the LOVE of GOD.
Text: Isaiah 28: 1 to 14
Decisions are things we do almost every second or minute. We choose what to wear, what to eat, what music, and if I will lie, cheat, or steal. GOD has set before man, that is you and me, a decision we have to make and absolutely MUST make, this most important decision; one decision will give eternal life and forgiveness of your sins OR the other decision you MUST make will bring GOD'S Judgment upon you for ALL eternity. YOU will decide, one way or the other.
Text: Psalms 135
Text Jonah 4: 1 to 4 Lesson 12 Anger is a cancer that will destroy you and me. It is an emotional time bomb. When it is not kept in check by GOD through obedience to the WORD of GOD and through our desiring to live holy lives and doing those things that please GOD. Anger is a terminal condition that has destroyed billions of souls. Do not let yours be one of them.
Text: Ecclesiastes 5: 1 to 7
It is the ultimate judgment to be deemed a fool. It is not a court jester, but a GOD mocker who is the fool. He or she who mocks GOD by refusing GOD'S will, HIS WORD, HIS free gift of the forgiveness of sin and eternal life, by the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of GOD'S only begotten SON, the LORD JESUS CHRIST!. Want to continue being the fool, then the fires of HELL are soon to be your next stop after this life, Hebrews 9:27 (KJB) "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the Judgment:"
Text: Ecclesiastes 5: 1 to 7
It is the ultimate judgment to be deemed a fool. It is not a court jester, but a GOD mocker who is the fool. He or she who mocks GOD by refusing GOD'S will, HIS WORD, HIS free gift of the forgiveness of sin and eternal life, by the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of GOD'S only begotten SON, the LORD JESUS CHRIST!. Want to continue being the fool, then the fires of HELL are soon to be your next stop after this life, Hebrews 9:27 (KJB) "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the Judgment:"
Text Jonah 4: 1 to 4 Lesson 18
Prison, is a word that there is NO doubt of what it is. We, as Christians, like Jonah, place ourselves in a prison of our own making when we do as Jonah does. By being disobedient and desiring your way and NOT GOD'S perfect will. Are they things past and present wrong in your life, YES! And we are the cause of all of them. No matter what happens in our lives, GOD is always kind and good to us.
Text: Acts 2: 22 to 40
WORSHIP! The WORD of GOD is absolutely clear on this subject. GOD has commanded worship is to be to HIM alone and in the form HE has commanded us to do. The LORD JESUS CHRIST said, John 4:23 (KJB) "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the FATHER in Spirit and in Truth: for the FATHER seeketh such to worship HIM." Notice the FATHER is seeking faithful and obedient people to worship HIM! Worship is not man's way, with sensual, earthy, Fleshly, devilish music. Worship must be holy as GOD is HOLY.
Text: Matthew 24: 1 to 14
Here notice that "And JESUS went out, and departed from the temple" CHRIST left the Jews temple NEVER to return to it. HIS Disciples asked CHRIST three very distinct questions, it is not one question. These three question are three very separate time periods. Pay heed to CHRIST answers as they are of the utter most importance to you and me. In the year 70 AD, the Roman General Titus destroyed the Jews temple and did not leave one stone upon another, as CHRIST said would happen.
Text Jonah 4: 5 to 11
What is the book of Jonah about? Doing it my way! Jonah was not interested in what GOD wanted, and he proved it by his actions. All this got Jonah was anger, frustration, and a prison that he created and populated. If you want a impossibility, disobey GOD. If you choose to live a life in peace and contentment obey GOD no matter what. Ours is NOT to ask why, ours is to do.
Text: Matthew 24: 32 to 37
The Church of the LORD JESUS CHRIST stands victorious today and into the future. The woman at the well shows our LORD in HIS Power and Glory, CHRIST asked the woman for some water, HE tells of HIS Water in where she will never have to drink again spiritually. CHRIST never did get the drink of water for HIS thirst from walking so far just to meet this woman and gave her eternal life.
Text: John 4: 1 to 26
Worship is a supernatural action, it is when you think, speak, read your bible, blocking out everything of this world and of your flesh and our only focus and attention is of, for, and to the LORD JESUS CHRIST!
Text Nahum 1:1 to 3
The Prophet had something to say as to why Jonah might have not wanted to go to Nineveh. The Prophet Nahum speaks of the Judgment of GOD and the Goodness of GOD. GOD Mercy towards all mankind. Nahum 1:7 (KJB) "The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and HE knoweth them that trust in HIM.
Text: John 15: 1 to 16
Notice that the LORD JESUS CHRIST repeats the WORD "abide, Abiding" in revealing that for a true Christian, Abiding is the very life of CHRIST in us, through us and for us. The WORD "Abide means "To hold; to continue; to remain; to keep on obeying" the foundation for abiding is obedience to the LORD JESUS CHRIST each and every second of each and everyday. For once we are with the LORD in heaven, we shall be abiding with CHRIST forever.
Text: Hebrews 10: 1 to 12
ETERNAL means never ending, without an end, a supernatural act of GOD SALVATION means CHRIST'S Death, Burial, and Resurrection for your SINS, Past, Present, and Future. CHRIST is GOD and HE is ETERNAL and by receiving HIS free gift of HIS finished work upon Calvary's Cross, CHRIST'S gift is ETERNAL SALVATION, you cannot lose what was never yours, it was completed ETERNALLY by CHRIST.
Text Jonah Chapter 4
Jonah on top of being very angry with GOD he was also a selfish man, for said to GOD, Jonah 4:3 (KJB) "Therefore now, O LORD, take, I beseech thee, my life from me; for it is better for me to die than to live." Jonah cared not one wit for the 1,000,000 and more souls that were saved, he was so angry he just wanted to die. No thought of his family, his friends, or even GOD, Jonah was indeed a selfish man.
Text: John 3: 1 to 21
For THOU O LORD,THOU and THOU alone are the GREATEST above all things, all people, all gods, it is THEE who is the GREATEST of the greatest! In garden of Eden, Satan thought he won, GOD is GOD provided a way for fallen men to be reconciled back to HIMSELF, by the shedding of BLOOD. OT to cover sin, which is to be repeated until the NT the entrance of the SON of GOD to be sacrificed ONCE for all. Salvation is of the LORD!
Text: Genesis 6: 1 to 8
The sign(s) of Jonah are revealed in the WORD of GOD by our faithfulness, obedience, understanding of the times we live in. Today most Christian use the flesh, mental assent and intellectual reasoning to handle the issues in the church. Why, for they have NO FEAR of GOD, they suffer from moral disintegration, spiritual ignorance, and demon possession. These are the days that the WORD of GOD cries to the church, is anyone listening?
Text Jonah Chapter 4: 6 to 11
Anger is NOT a emotion that can be controlled, once it is released all it does is damage and destroy. Anger has never served one person righteously and any good. It is only GOD and by HIS Strength, Power, and Goodness can anger be controlled. Jonah shows what anger does, our lives are a testament to its devastating effects it has had on our lives. You can NOT control anger!
Text: Mark 5: 22 to 34
O the Glory of knowing the LORD JESUS CHRIST! To know that HIS virtue was used on us to take away our SINS, past, present, and future. As the woman with an issue of blood, who had her issue stopped and removed, only CHRIST can cleanse, it is only CHRIST that can heal, it is only CHRIST who can take that which was dead and make it alive forevermore!
Text: Jeremiah 1: 1 to 19
It is the WORD of LORD that came to the prophet Jeremiah, it was a burden like no other, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY had called HIS prophet and HE gave HIS prophet HIS HOLY WORD; with this Jeremiah did that which was commanded of him to do. This very same GOD is commanding you also to preach HIS WORD, to show the world HIS Grace, Mercy, and Goodness by living our lives in Holiness, Faithfulness, and in Obedience. For "Thus saith the LORD"
Text Daniel 2: 1 to 12
When we look at the Book of Daniel, there is an amazing truth, that GOD used Daniel, the ONE person who believed GOD WORD, had faith in GOD GRACE, trusted GOD with his life. Is that you?? Are you a Daniel, does your life entirely belong to GOD or is GOD just a part of your life?
GOD knows the truth of these questions, are you one the ones?
Text: Revelation 2: 1 to 14
The scroll is sealed 7 times, much be extremely important. Not only that there was no one found who could open it; YES, the LAMG of GOD, the LORD JESUS CHRIST is worthy to open the scroll, that is 7 times sealed. What is inside, is your name written down in the BOOK? Have you been to the cleansing flood of the BLOOD of CHRIST shed for everyone, even you!
Text: Colossians 3: 1 to 25
What kind of life do you have? Is it a life that you are getting older and has no purpose, no eternal joy, no forgiveness of sins, is it a life under the damnation of GOD'S Judgment? LOOK! To the Cross of CHRIST and behold HIM who died for you, who rose from dead to eternal life just for you. Will you pass the greatest gift ever given to mankind? Will die in your sins? The choice is yours .....
2024.10.13 - Sunday Morning Bible Class - "Setting the Standard - Lesson 1"
Text Daniel 1: 17 to 21
The Christian saint, must have True Biblical Standards for serving the LORD JESUS CHRIST. These standards are seen in the WORD of GOD and it is life or death to not desire and seek GOD'S required standards in serving CHRIST. We are to be faithful, obedient, fearless, and meek and mild, we must be CHRIST like; Christian means "to be as CHRIST"
2024.10.13 - Sunday Morning Sermon - "Thanksgiving!"
Text: Psalms 100
Thanksgiving, we shall never thank the LORD GOD ALMIGHT, JESUS CHRIST enough, for all that HE has done for each of us who are redeemed by the BLOOD of CHRIST. The utter important of "Thanking GOD" is more important then breathing, it is something that must be apart of each and very day as GOD grants us life! Psalm 150:6 (KJB) "Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD."
2024.10.13 - Sunday Afternoon Sermon - "How does the Christian influence this world?"
Text: Matthew 5: 1 to 16
WE as true Christians have influance in this dying world. The question is way direction are you influancing? Unfaithful Christians bent the WORD, break the WORD and or ignore the WORD of GOD. They are influencing the world, the flesh, and are doing the work of the devil.We tue Christians must be a CHRIST saved us to be faithful, trustworthy, mild, meek, and desiring holiness. Being SALT and LIGHT as CHRIST commands us to be. How do you influence in this world?
Text Daniel 1
The life of a Christian is not ours, it is the LORD JESUS CHRIST, for HE purchased it with HIS shed BLOOD on Calvary Cross! Our understanding of the Bible, Doctrine, intimate relationship with GOD is of the utmost importance in learning and studying the GOD of the Bible. If you are truly saved, you will be spending eternity with CHRIST, so had we not get to knowing CHRIST better, deeper, personally?
Text: John 1: 1 to 14
Do you understand, do you realize that without CHRIST, we would be in complete, absolute darkness; both physically and spiritually? GOD commanded, Genesis 1:3 (KJB) "And GOD said, Let there be light: and there was light." This was physical light. When GOD was manifest in the likeness of human flesh, GOD commanded, Matthew 4:16 (KJB) "The people which sat in darkness saw GREAT LIGHT; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death LIGHT is sprung up." This is spiritual LIGHT, JESUS CHRIST!
Text: Mark 8: 27 to 33
We, today as all the people through history have had to answer this amazing question, which the answer is where your entire eternity will be. It will be with the LORD JESUS CHRIST or it will be in the fires of HELL waiting for the Judgment to come. That is it, you scoff, you laugh, you deny it, you mock it, or you ignore it, but you will not miss it, you will be there front and center!
Text Daniel 1: 1 to 26
The BIBLE is for every true CHRISTIAN, sadly too many to count barely read it or know it. The BIBLE is GOD'S WORD to YOU! What do you know of GOD? What do you know of sanctification? When you read what do you see and hear? Who is speaking? What is being spoken about? How does it apply to YOU? 1 John 5:13 (KJB) "These things have I WRITTEN unto YOU (Singular) that believe on the Name of the SON of GOD; that YE (Plural) may know that YE (Plural) have Eternal Life, and that YE (Plural) may believe on the Name of the SON of GOD."
Text: Genesis 17: 1 to 8
The BIBLE tells of men and women who have seen GOD. We today hold in our hands the WORD of GOD, and if you are truly "born-again" you will see the LORD JESUS CHRIST in the BIBLE. This blessed fact and the coming joy of very soon beholding JESUS face to face, no human words can describe! CHRIST dwells in you, CHRIST guides you CHRIST meets your every need. The BIBLE is your personally written love letter to you from ALMIGHTY GOD!
Text: John 17: 1 to 26
As Christians, there is NOTHING more important the LORD JESUS CHRIST. The LORD has done EVERYTHING for you, and continues doing everything for you. How is it you get through another day, it is CHRIST, NOT you. How do you get through trials and tribulations, it is CHRIST NOT you. Your heart beats, your lungs fill with air, you have life and all its joys and wonderments, yet it is CHRIST, NOT you. Remember CHRIST is everything, what are you?
Text Daniel 1: 8 to 21
The Prophet Daniel, purposed (Vowed unto GOD) in his heart that he would not defile himself. What about you and me? Are we so in love and in willing obedience with GOD to in our own hearts, to purposely, vow unto GOD that we will NOT defile ourselves with the things of this world? GOD knows our hearts and knows whether or not we are what we say we are.
Text: Matthew 9: 1 to 8
We live in a sinful fallen world, we dwell in bodies of death, every moment death may strike. Yet, the True Christian is cheerful, no matter what happens, we suffer, we mourn, we struggle, yet underneath all of SIN'S effect, we gladly proclaim "Be of Good Cheer" for this world is NOT our home and soon all of SIN'S effects will be no more. Come LORD JESUS, come!
Text: Luke 19: 19 to 31
All humans desire treasure, the Devil of this world will give you all you want, ahh, but with an eternal cost. The true Christian, the Christian who is willing and desires to have poverty while on this earth, who desires; Hebrews 13:5 (KJB) "Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for HE hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." Our treasure is CHRIST in Heaven where we storage our treasures.
Text Daniel 1
As we have spent time studying Daniel, it is time to reflect on what the WORD of GOD said, what said to you, what it said about your life, your relationship with GOD. For in todays church, Christian, nay BIBILCAL standards have been ignored and drastically changed away from GOD. In most of todays church GOD is not needed or wanted. It is human wisdom, emotional acts that pass for worship. Woe unto the church.
Text: Revelation 21:1 to 22: 8
The END of the WORLD is indeed coming and it is when the church made up of true believers is removed by the LORD. Then the earth will have the Devil in full control and the end result will be total fulfillment of all SIN upon every person on the earth. When it is all completed, GOD is victorious, HE will create a NEW Heaven and Earth in where dwelleth righteousness. And what of you dear one?
Text: 2 Thessalonians 2: 1 to 17
Salvation: is the one time forever act of CHRIST imparting Eternal Life to a repented believing soul.
Sanctification: is the on going work by GOD the HOLY GHOST while you are still on earth; conforming you into the likeness of GOD the SON, JESUS CHRIST.
What a wonderful, loving, magnificent Saviour we have in CHRIST JESUS!
Text Daniel 1:1 to 3
Notice King Nebuchadnezzar's dream was from GOD and only GOD would reveal what it was. GOD did just that using HIS prophet Daniel. Life is just like this, people have issues and situation that with no notice just show up, pwople have this all their lives. GOD is the only answer, GOD is the only ONE who can take an issue or trial without us knowing why guides us through it or learn to embrace it, all the while knowing GOD has EVERYTHING under control.
Text: Matthew 18: 1 to 11
As true Christians it is a tremendous sadness that a uncountable number of "confessing Christians" NEVER read their Bibles! How can you look through the LORD JESUS's eyes if the Bible is the very last thing you think of to read? What does that say to your love for CHRIST? What does that say about your profession of CHRIST? What does that say about what you think about GOD? GOD knows all of these questions, he knows your vey thoughts before you think them. What will you say in that day when you stand before CHRIST?
Text: 2 Corinthians 6:1 to 18
Life is made up of things that happen in our lives, not the events that we are the soul cause of. The events that you do not understand, look at the Apostle, he experience many things none of us have yet be tested. All of these things have no understanding for us, yet we embrace them rather question or get mad. We rest in that GOD knows and HE has everything under control!
Text Daniel 2:1 to 23
King Nebuchadnezzar was of the world and the lies in wickedness, and he saw that his wise men were trying to get one over on him, but Nebuchadnezzar stopped them cold and pronounced death upon ALL the wise men, this included Daniel and his three friends. When Daniel was told his faith in GOD spoke up and he ask to see the King. Giving glory to GOD and stating he would get the meaning to the King's dream is faith, trust, and love working in unison toward GOD and about GOD.
Text: Genesis 3: 1 to 19
"Hath GOD Said?" This is used by Satan and his CHRIST rejectors to instill doubt in the hearts of people seeking the truth. Hath GOD said is sowing doubt in the heart and its fruit is SIN! Satan's first words recorded in the WORD of GOD are vile and wicked and has and will send millions to HELL due to its fruit of SIN, which is rejecting GOD's Only Begotten SON, JESUS CHRIST, the only Saviour of fallen mankind. Look what those three words did to all mankind, it brought eternal damnation and ruin; CHRIST came to change that.
Text: Luke 24: 1 to 32
CHRIST is alive, JESUS CHRIST is alive, HE has risen from the dead! If you are HIS redeemed child, if your name is written in the LAMB's Book of Life you have a relationship, a supernatural relationship with your LORD and SAVIOUR! The WORD of GOD, Praying, Walking, is with the Supernatural, it is the Risen LORD with whom you speak, walk, pray, and worship. What a wonderful supernatural SAVIOUR!
Text Daniel 2:1 to 28
King Nebuchadnezzar was the most feared King whose armies had conquered all. Where he held life and death in his hand. Here comes the Prophet Daniel, facing certain death, Daniel asked that he may pray to his GOD and will return with the dream and its meaning. This is FAITH in GOD, what about you and me, how would we respond under this possible life ending situation? Each day we are faced with our faith in GOD, and what shall GOD say in that day?
Text: Isaiah 7: 1 to 16
The GOD of the BIBLE, has never failed in HIS promises to man and to HIS redeemed. GOD'S promises are yea, yea and are true and sure. The promise of CHRISTmas is that of HIS only begotten SON JESUS CHRIST to bring Salvation to mankind. GOD sent HIS SON among sinful man as HE promise since Genesis 3 and before the foundation of the world!
Text: Romans: 16: 25 to 27
This world is filled with millions who remain in the mystery, they do not know about the Salvation of GOD, JESUS CHRIST! That day was when the supernatural came to earth and a body similar to that of mankind was CHRIST born into this world for you and me and the whole world!
Text Daniel 2:27 to 45
King Nebuchadnezzar dreamed of an image. This image represents the history of the world, the complete history of our world. As I write this intro we, the world are at the bottom of the image, the very bottom, where you find miry clay and iron. Clay and Iron cannot mix and are useless for anything.
Text: Isaiah 6: 1 to 11
The GOD of the BIBLE, is KING, HE is has COME, HE will COMETH and HE is COMING! The Redemption of SINNERS is why CHRIST came. The Disciples when CHRIST ascended were looking at CHRIST ascend until HE was out of sight. Our GOD is the only GOD, there are NO other gods, no matter what the Devil says, no matter what man may say and what the world says, there is but ONE GOD!
Text: Romans: 8: 26 to 39
This magnificent book of Romans, is a tremendous blessing to the faithful follower of the LORD JESUS. It lift up heads when low, it shows of the coming glory and joy. It shows that thee is NOTHING that can separate the LOVE of GOD from HIS redeemed children. Are you one of the redeemed?
Text Daniel 2:27 to 30
King Nebuchadnezzar dreamed of the image GOD gave unto him. The Bible is absolutely clear and commands that GOD HE is GOD alone!! There is NO other god. Man, Satan may claim that they have a god, but their gods DO NOT EXIST! They are all worshipping Satan and he has them so blinded and confused that they will gladly walk into the fires of HELL while proclaiming their non-existed god will help them. What a lie, what an eternal horrible way to enter damnation.
Text: Philippians 2: 1 to 11
The GOD of the BIBLE, is KING, GOD alone is GOD, there is NO other god. For they do NOT exist. Outside of the GOD of the Bible, you are worshipping and following Satan, for there are only two beings, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY who has always been. The other is Satan, he is a CREATED being, he was created by GOD. GOD rules over EVERYTHING, EVERYONE, HE alone is GOD!!
Text: John 15: 16 to 27
THINK! What if CHRIST had NOT come??? There would be NO Joy, NO Hope, NO forgiveness of Sin, NO Abundant life, NO Future, NO Eternal Life. ONLY the pleasures of the Flesh, Pain, Sorrow, Sadness, Conflict(s), Death, Murder, all kinds of Injustice, NOTHING to look forward too. Thank GOD the FATHER, that INDEED sent HIS Only Begotten SON came and paid the price, the indescribable price for YOU! Thank you LORD JESUS, Thank you!!!
Pastor and Nettie Nulph
Sunday 10:00 AM - Morning Bible Class
Sunday 11:00 AM - Morning Service
Sunday 2:00 PM - Afternoon Service
Wednesday 7:00 PM - Bible Study
Precious Prayer Time.
Video and Audio sermons are posted weekly.
February 20
Sunday Morning Bible Class
"Learning the hard way"
Daniel 4: 19 to 37
Sunday Morning Sermon
Exodus 1: 1 to 14
Sunday Afternoon Sermon
"O, ye of little faith)"
Matthew 6: 24
Wednesday Night Bible Study
(February 19, 2025)
"Jogging our memories"
Hebrews 13: 13 to 25
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