2024.02.4 - Sunday Morning Bible Class - Jonah Lesson 8 continuing
Text Jonah Chapter 3
There are many who are called of GOD and have the same attitude as Jonah. When it comes to doing and being obedient, that is where the rub lays. Many will do something they want to do and when it is done thank the LORD for it after. This is wrong, it is obedience and faithfulness to GOD only, nothing of ourselves.
Sermon: 'Defeat, Retreat, Relief'
Text: Luke 24:13 to 36
When the two man were walking to Emmaus, they were defeated and were in retreat. Sadly many Christians today have the same issue in their Christian walk. They act defeated and are retreating to stop the discouragement of their own unbelief. Relief comes from CHRIST, look what CHRIST said to them, how we must apply that to ourselves today.
Sermon: 'When will the Messiah come Part 2'
Text: Daniel 9.24 to 27
Here we learn of the Messiah, and what happened to CHRIST hundreds of years before HE was manifested in flesh. The Messiah was cut off, HE laid down HIS life for the sin of the whole world. Is it any wonder the world has tried for centuries to disproof this blessed book of Daniel. Daniel is quoted by the LORD JESUS HIMSELF in Matthew 24:15, "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)"
Text Jonah Chapter 3
As we see with Jonah, as much as Jonah tried not to do what GOD commands, Jonah still ended up doing GOD'S will. It is the very same with us, we think that we can with stand GOD, by ignoring, disobedience, and desiring that to do what GOD'S will is. GOD always wins, GOD'S will is always completed. For us it will be done the either the hard way through disobedience or the easy way through obedience. We chose which.
Text: Psalms 115
It matters not what the Satan says, it matters not what the World says, and it matters not what our flesh says, there is ONLY one GOD, and ONE GOD ONLY. The LORD JESUS CHRIST is the one true GOD, which is GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON, and GOD the HOLY GHOST. These three are one and it is to GOD we have our being. To know GOD is too love GOD, to love GOD is to FEAR GOD. For in HIM is LIFE, JOY, and ETERNITY. Ephesians 2:10 (KJB) "For we are HIS workmanship, created in CHRIST JESUS unto good works, which GOD hath before ordained that we should walk in them."
Text: Hebrews 11. 1 to 16
This world has many things and religions that require some sort of faith. It is ONLY faith in the LORD JESUS CHRIST that is true and eternal. Our lives because of our faith in CHRIST are what this world sees and hears. In our walk, in our living, in our struggles, in life and in death people sees CHRIST in our lives. Because CHRIST JESUS is TRUE FAITH, HE is the only source of Truthfulness, Righteousness, and Holiness. Hebrews 11:1 and 6 (KJB) "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. But without FAITH [it is] impossible to please [HIM]: for HE that cometh to GOD must believe that HE is, and [that] HE is a rewarder of them that diligently seek HIM."
Text Jonah 3: 1 to 10
We see in this study of Jonah, how GOD shows HIS infinite Mercy and Grace in how HE had Jonah fulfill GOD'S will for HIM. It is something to look at ourselves in the light of Jonah, and seek how do see react when confronted by the WORD of GOD. How do we handle our required obedience to GOD'S will. Jonah shows us how not to avoid GOD, but to please GOD.
Text: Psalms 116 - this the second part of the Hallel sermon series
Hallel consists of six Psalms (113–118), which are recited as a unit, on joyous occasions including the each day of the Three Pilgrimage Festivals (Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot), as well as at Hanukkah and Rosh Chodesh. We see that there are fours cups in these Hallel, the third cup was the last supper, where Judas did not take part. The fourth cup will be in Heaven with CHRIST when the Church is home.
Text: 1 John 1: 1 to 8
What a joy and blessing is to have CHRIST JESUS'S Blessed Assurance as we walk through this life. In our walk with GOD, we are commanded by GOD to walk in obedience, walk in holiness, and to walk according to the Bible Doctrines. 1 John tests us in our Love, in our Truth, in our Faithfulness to CHRIST.
Sunday Morning Bible Class - "Jonah Lesson 9 continuing"
Text Jonah 3: 1 to 10
In Jonah we find our selves at times. GOD'S will is supreme and it is all-powerful and its completion is assured, because GOD is GOD! What is our feeling on the Salvation of a soul? Look at Jonah, over one million souls were saved, yet Jonah was not at all interested. Our hearts must be a flamed with the heart of GOD for the saving of souls. Jonah was not at all interested.
Sunday Morning Sermon - "A Sound Mind"
Text: 2 Timothy 1: 1 to 14
n this day and age we find ourselves, it can not be over stated of having a "sound mind". This "Sound Mind" can only begotten from the Salvation of CHRIST to those who believe. GOD has supplied all we need and has supplied more then we shall ever need. In 2 Timothy we see that GOD gives to HIS redeemed Power, Love, and Sound Mind. If you are in CHRIST these are yours.
Sunday Afternoon Sermon - "No news in the news about God"
Text: Numbers 19: 1 to 10
When you read, see or hear the news, is there any mention of GOD? Why is it? In this sermon Pastor Nulph looks at this amazing thing that there is "NO news of GOD in the news" Yet the world is filled with the very activity of GOD, as our LORD JESUS is returning the earth is buckling, shaking, shaking, and all kinds of signs are abounding pointing to GOD. Yet the world slumbers ...
Text Jonah 3: 1 to 10
From Jonah we must learn that when we witness to unbelievers, it is GOD in us who witnesses our witnessing, therefore our attitude must be GOD'S attitude. Witnessing is our job, it is when GOD responsibility to bring about the Salvation if the person believes and receives. Please do not be a Jonah.
Text: Genesis 11: 1 to 8
Look at the issue of the tower of Babel and how it cause GOD to come down out of Heaven and correct the sin of man. Under Nimrod these people rebelled against GOD and refused to obey his command. Babel is where man at one time spoke all the same language, but with sin comes judgment.
Text: Psalms 23: 1 to 6
This is an amazing sermon on the richness and the unfathomable depths of the WORD of GOD. By GOD'S Grace Pastor looks at this passage of Scripture and others to help us to engage and be astounded by the Spiritual depths of the Bible and how GOD has giving us the greatest book in all of the world, the WORD of GOD!.
Text Jonah 3: 5 to 10
Today we look at the truly important action needed more than ever, repentance.
1. Importance of repentance.
2. Confessing true repentance.
3. Focus on what GOD did with your confessed sins and pledge not to do them again.
4. Desire to live a holy life.
We all sin, but GOD is faithful and just to forgiven us our sins and cleanse from all unrighteousness.
Text: Matthew 21: 1 to 16
Look at the Triumphal Entry of the LORD JESUS CHRIST as HE enters into Jerusalem. Here CHRIST was fulfilling Scripture prophecies. Because of the LORD'S triumphal entry we have triumphal lives on earth, by being obedient, faithful and living holy lives that please GOD. Our LORD is still on the throne, no matter what the WORLD, FLESH and DEVIL may say or do! Quit ye like men!
Text: Matthew 4: 1 to 11
The show down between GOD and the Devil. The call of JESUS CHRIST, the LAMB slain before the foundation of the world. HIS teaching, preaching and dying were all prophesied before the heaven and the earth were created. As with us the Devil tempts us and we as CHRIST use the WORD of GOD. James 4:7 (KJB) "Submit yourselves therefore to GOD. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
Text Jonah 3: 5 to 10
Jonah does not see what happens in Nineveh and with the people of that city. The king makes a interesting statement in verse 9, "Who can tell [if] GOD will turn and repent, and turn away from HIS fierce anger, that we perish not?" Here the king know that now was the time to repent and not put it off. As it is for those who have yet to receive the LORD JESUS CHRIST, what shall you do?
Text: 1 Corinthians 15: 1 to 16
The resurrection of our LORD JESUS CHRIST is the most seminal and pivotal point in all of human history. Charles Spurgeon stated, "The resurrection is a fact better attested than any event recorded in any history, whether ancient or modern." For in the resurrection is the true and reality of GOD and that man is indeed a wicked sinner and GOD'S love provides a way out.
Text: Acts 1: 1 to 16
The Bible itself, proclaim proofs that are undeniable and remain a bulwark against the deniers of the resurrection. The risen CHRIST was seen of Mary, then Peter, then of the twelve: after that, HE was seen of above five hundred Brethren at once; "Then of all the Apostles. And last of all He was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time" (1 Corinthians 15:5-8).
Text Jonah 3: 5 to 10
The book of Jonah is much more than about a whale and how a man was swallowed by this whale. Look at the repentance of the Assyrian king and his proclamation that he and his people must repent before the LORD GOD or be destroyed. Because the Assyrians were true to their word and repented before the LORD, the LORD changed HIS mind (repented) and over 1,000,000 souls were saved that day at the preaching of Jonah.
Text: Romans 10:1 to 17
The Salvation that is offered in the New Testament of the Bible is the LORD JESUS CHRIST'S to give to who so ever believes and receives that JESUS CHRIST is LORD! Salvation is of the LORD! As you listen and read Romans 10: 9 and 10, you see what is required for the forgiveness of GOD and the Salvation of your soul.
Text: Proverbs 1: 1 to 7
The Bible itself, commands us that Proverbs 1:7 (KJB)"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction." As true believers we must have our foundation of the fear of the LORD. All fear is is of no value, but the fear of the LORD is that truth that guides, blesses us, and creates mature and strong faithful Christians. Our greatest fear is our lack of FEAR of the LORD!
Text Jonah 3: 5 to 10
The sad thing is that far to many Christian only know of the Book of Jonah because the whale. It is small book but it's spiritual depth is amazingly deep. It reveals the supernatural, the sin of disobedience, the long suffering of GOD, the mercy of GOD, the goodness of GOD and just what a wretched state mankind dwells in. Man without GOD is dead, dead men walking, just waiting for the physical life to to end.
Text: John 3: 1 to 17
GOD'S love is NOT what you think it is. GOD'S love is the cross of Calvary on which GOD'S only begotten SON, the LORD JESUS CHRIST suffered acute agonizing exquisite gruelling harrowing intense searing severe unbearable torment. The LORD JESUS suffer what we should have, but because of this glorious act of GOD'S love for you. That is the Love of GOD for you.
Text: Mark 9: 14 to 29
The state of belief in GOD has stages, some believe that they can follow the LORD from a distance - WRONG. Others believe that I go to church on Sunday that is good enough - WRONG. While others believe that to claim to know the LORD is enough - WRONG. GOD knows all of beliefs, what about yours and mine.
Text Jonah 3: 5 to 10
The spiritual truth in the Book of Jonah is for our learning and to help us to grow in the Grace and Knowledge of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. As the LORD JESUS was totally and completely obedient unto the FATHER, shall we who are redeemed do less to please our Great GOD JESUS CHRIST? How many Ninevites has GOD called us to where we did not obey, how many souls have we yet to speak too? Remember Jonah and his reply to GOD, in actions and deeds.
Text: John 12:25
Just after Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Messiah, Jesus reveals to his disciples the necessity of his suffering and death, as well as the mystery of his resurrection. After rebuking Peter sternly for rejecting this path, The LORD JESUS warns the crowd as well as the disciples that following HIM involved carrying a cross. The LORD adds, Mark 8:35 (KJB) "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for MY sake and the Gospel's, the same shall save it."
Text: John 6: 1 to 14
Just after Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Messiah, Jesus reveals to his disciples the necessity of his suffering and death, as well as the mystery of his resurrection. After rebuking Peter sternly for rejecting this path, The LORD JESUS warns the crowd as well as the disciples that following HIM involved carrying a cross. The LORD adds, Mark 8:35 (KJB) "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for MY sake and the Gospel's, the same shall save it."
Text Jonah 4: 1 to 5
Jonah was a very, very angry prophet. Jonah rejected everything that GOD commands of Jonah. It was only after GOD bought forth the whale, did Jonah change outwardly but he did not change inwardly. He spoke 5 Hebrews words and Nineveh repented and over a million souls were saved. Yet Jonah continued to do things his way and 1 millions souls were of no concern to him. What about one soul for us?
Exodus 12: 1 to 42
As a animal, a lamb, was a type of sacrifice for the covering of sins, the lamb was of course the type of the LAMB of GOD who would not cover but remove all sin(s) forever. For the LORD JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY sacrifice who was offered ONCE for all time. While you draw breathe, GOD extends HIS Mercy to each of us, by HIS love for you by the given of HIS only begotten SON to suffer and die of Calvary's cross.
Text: Genesis 1:1
The Bible, the WORD of GOD is limitless in its depth, height, and its never ending blessing and joy to each redeemed children of CHRIST JESUS. Yet the Names of GOD are endless blessing and in rich spiritual encouragement and strength to draws us closer to our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. And deepen our desire to follow closer to CHRIST and HIS WORD as we head home to eternity and eternal bless with the LORD.
Text Jonah 4: 1 to 5
Look at the difference with GOD and Jonah; GOD greatest desire is for the Salvation of souls, where Jonah was a pouting and very, very angry prophet. All that GOD did to get Jonah to speak five Hebrew words to the Ninevites and over a million souls were saved. And Jonah response to this Glorious event, he wanted the Ninevites to be destroyed. GOD want to save and Jonah wanted death. Being obedient is certain much more then words.
Text: Psalms 100
Music is a very important eternal choice we make. GOD has command what music, and why GOD'S music, and obedience to GOD musical command. The devil's lie is that music is amoral, means "having or showing no concern about whether behaviour is morally/spiritually right or wrong." Music is NOT a freedom to claim "ANY" sound is Glorying to GOD. GOD'S Music is a spiritual, supernatural act of GOD. The WORD of GOD is our hymn book! ALL music must "CONFORM" to the Glory of GOD.
Exodus 14: 1 to 32
When Israel was being chase by the Egyptians GOD protected them, with a pillar of fire at night and a pillar of cloud by day, yet the Israelis complained. When GOD opened the Red Sea with dry ground for HIS people to escape they were still in fear. The Egyptians had a strong belief in their gods and they charged ahead after the Israelis, but GOD stood in their way, the Egyptians army was completely destroyed and Israel was safe, Israel was alway safe. What our faith like when we face trails and troubles?
Text Jonah 4: 1 and 2
Do we find ourselves at odd with GOD'S will? The most important date for GOD is the Judgment Day(s). GOD'S Judgments are "sure" and they are "threatening". True Christians are "signs" to the unbelieving world.The lost and unbelieving have a god of their own choosing. Jonah was a pouting Prophet, are we "pouting Christians?" Satan's desire is draw our attention away from GOD and make anything but GOD our focus.
Text: Genesis 2: 18 to 25
Christian Motherhood, a tremendous blessing from GOD. Satan (Devil) attacks Eve first, so that the mankind's offspring would be tinted with SIN, this remains his goal; Death to all mankind. Satan believed that in order to forgive mankind, GOD would also forgive Satan and his fallen angels. GOD is unstoppable and left Satan in SIN and coming Judgment and brought mankind's redemption through HIS only begotten SON the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Matthew 5: 43 to 48
Perfection is how we are to live, our LORD JESUS commands that we Matthew 5:48 (KJB) "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your FATHER which is in Heaven is Perfect.". Repent, and turn to GOD be obedient, for it is Colossians 1:27 (KJB) "To whom GOD would make known what is the riches of the Glory of this Mystery among the Gentiles; which is CHRIST in you, the Hope of GLORY:" As we receive from GOD, gives to GOD are everything.
Text: Psalm 136: 1 to 26
What a wonderful Glorious magnificent GOD we love and believe, each verse ends with "for HIS Mercy [endureth] for ever." There is NO other god, but the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, the GOD of the Bible, the LORD JESUS CHRIST. No matter what comes your way you always have this promise from GOD, "for HIS Mercy [endureth] for ever."
Text: John 16:7 to 11
Thank you LORD JESUS CHRIST for sending GOD the HOLY GHOST, our Comforter, our convicter of our sin, our convicter of righteousness, our conduct and life on earth, and convicter of Judgment both now and what is to come. It is clear, then, that in the HOLY GHOST'S contending with us, HE is acting all the time as the Advocate of the LORD JESUS, only desiring that we should bow our heads to CHRIST and acknowledge JESUS CHRIST, King on the new point at issue.
Text: Jonah 4: 1 and 3
Jonah view of God's will was complete opposite of Jonah's. Jonah after preaching to the Nineveh people, he went to a hillside and waited for their destruction, God's will was for their repentance. God desired forgiveness, Jonah desire vengeance. How do see desire of God's enemies?
Text: Romans 5: 1 to 21
God's Grace is indescribable, unbelievable, it is the Goodness of God. God's Grace is the Lord Jesus Christ dying for the ungodly, the vile wickedness of man for the Grace of God. God's Grace must be Appreciated, Appropriated, and it must be Assimilated. 1. Appreciated, a hell bound sinner redeemed by God's Grace. 2. Appropriated, Cleave unto God's Grace. 3. Assimilated, wear it, live it, make Christ your life, make it your life.
Text: Mark 10: 17 to 31
At one time rich people believed that being rich was a sign from God that you were alright with God, which is a lie. Rich people have falsely believed riches could get you to God, Eternal life is something you get by doing nothing. Eternal life is something you can NOT earn and you can NOT lose. The rich young ruler was filled with pride from a life of luxury and that he had followed the laws of man. Yet when Christ spoke the truth to him, he walked away, completely sad and disappointed for he choose his wealth over Christ.
Text Jonah 4: 1 and 2
In our Christian life many things happen that we do not like, do not want, and cause us confusion, yet at times we get angry with GOD, why? Everything that GOD does is good and just and for our good in our relationship and walk with our LORD. How much is it our fault through, sin, disobedience, and wrong choices, it is ALL on us period. GOD has done everything single thing for us, should we not understand that, when issues enter our lives?
Text: Exodus 34: 1 to 10
The Mercy of GOD is beyond human understanding. As Christians, we sin over over as we walk through this world, we repent of these sins and the Mercy of GOD is there. To wicked unbelieving sinner each day the Mercy of GOD abides, but only until death. For the true "born-again" Christian the Mercy of GOD is forever eternally with us; for the unbelievers at death, only damnation remains.
Text: John 9: 1 to 41
As the Pharisees in this passage of Scripture, have a argument with the LORD JESUS CHRIST, about a blind man from birth that CHRIST healed and restored his eye sight. CHRIST response to their unbelief was shocking, since the pharisee say they do not believe CHRIST, John 9:39-41 (KJB) "And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind. And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also? Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth."
Text Jonah 4: 1 and 2
Anger is an amazing thing for ALL the very bad reason, first off there is nothing of value in anger, but sorry, embarrassment, and defeat.Jonah was angry with GOD over the Salvation of 1,000,000 Assyrians souls in the city of Nineveh. Jonah's hatred was greater for the Assyrians destruction then for their Salvation. Anger is the beginning of a root of bitterness.
Text: Mark 1: 14 to 22
GOD'S message is "CHRIST and HIM crucified" In the days of the LORD JESUS CHRIST flesh, when HE spoke, Mark 1:22 (KJB) "And they were ASTONISHED at HIS Doctrine: for HE taught them as one that had AUTHORITY, and NOT as the scribes." That is what you read in the WORD of GOD and hear in faithful sermons.
Text: Acts 9: 1 to 10
The hunter of GOD'S redeemed came to abrupt end on the road to Damascus, here the LORD stopped Saul wicked ways and started by speaking to Saul. Here GOD started with a new creation; Saul the zealot died and Paul the born-again Christian was raised to eternal life in CHRIST! Today we still reap the harvest of GOD'S work through the Apostle Paul.
"Doest Thou Well To Be Angry?"
Text Jonah 4: 1 to 4
The LORD GOD ask Jonah a stunning question, which you and I had better take to heart as we walk with CHRIST. These WORDS from GOD are astounding and hit the heart squarely at its machinations and thoughts and intents. This is THE question for all to answer. Remember GOD knows your answer and your actions.
"The Fatherhood of GOD"
Text: Matthew 6: 1 to 15
Christians must come to the total and complete realization that there are only to fathers in this world. There is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY who is our Heavenly FATHER and there is the Devil the father of the CHRIST deniers, the unsaved, those who are not born again. Yes, we all have earthly flesh fathers but when it comes to spiritual reality it is Eternal Life with GOD our FATHER in Heaven or Eternal Damnation with the Devil. For at your death you will have your choice.
"Godly Wisdom"
Text: Proverbs 4: 1 to 7
The WISDOM of GOD is what we must live for, live with, and seek every day. How many times have you used your own fleshly thoughts to attempt to figure a way out, only to see it get worst or just collapse upon you? GOD commands us to SEEK,ASK, and KNOCK for HIS wisdom. It is true sign of obedience if you are constantly seeking after GOD for wisdom. Bless shall you be in the joy of the LORD.
Text Jonah 4: 1 to 2
Jonah was in a pathetic position in how he was both rebelling and obeying GOD. His conduct was deplorable and Jonah preferred suicide to obedience to GOD. Is obedience to GOD not the greatest act with can do for what GOD has done for us?
Text: Hebrews Chapter 1
GOD is unchangeable! GOD is GOD, HE is eternally unvarying perpetual immutable to change. Man is the total complete opposite, we change in a heart beat, we are not immutable in any sense of the word in regard to man. GOD HIMSELF commands, Malachi 3:6 (KJB) "For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed."
Text: Psalms 103
We can do nothing to gain the goodness of GOD. Use your memory to keep fresh the constant reminders of GOD'S benefits to you by the studying of HIS Holy WORD. Memory is a gift from GOD, it serves to keep GOD'S benefits clear and fresh, as the world, your flesh and the Devil desire to have your attention go elsewhere. Anywhere but GOD!
Text Jonah 4: 1 to 4
Jonah is a lesson for all Christians, in that we all have Jonah moments and it is a terrible thing to do and say. What is the difference between those that call themselves Christians and think nothing of it. True Christians will be pricked in heart and soul and seek the forgiveness of GOD through repentance. Which are you?
Text: Revelation 3:14 to 22
Listen to the WORDS of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear MY VOICE, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with ME." Revelation 3:20 (KJB). What is your excuse? Are you saved as per the WORD of GOD? Time is not running out, it has run out and now it all remains is the Voice of the SON of GOD to call to HIS church and it is all over. Will you be there?
Text: Nehemiah 1: 1 to 11
Pray is the thing that most, and I mean most Christians do not use or believe in. Prayer is our supernatural connection with our Heavenly FATHER. We have all that GOD is, is at our disposal and GOD longs to help us, guide us, direct us as we draw closer to eternity.
Pastor and Nettie Nulph
Sunday 10:00 AM - Morning Bible Class
Sunday 11:00 AM - Morning Service
Sunday 2:00 PM - Afternoon Service
Wednesday 7:00 PM - Bible Study
Precious Prayer Time.
Video and Audio sermons are posted weekly.
February 20
Sunday Morning Bible Class
"Learning the hard way"
Daniel 4: 19 to 37
Sunday Morning Sermon
Exodus 1: 1 to 14
Sunday Afternoon Sermon
"O, ye of little faith)"
Matthew 6: 24
Wednesday Night Bible Study
(February 19, 2025)
"Jogging our memories"
Hebrews 13: 13 to 25
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