Text: Ephesians 6: 10 to 18
The victory is wearing and using the Armour of GOD, for with the shield of FAITH defeats ALL attacks of the Devil. The Shield of Faith is both a defensive and offensive gift from GOD; Defensively it protects you from ALL of Satan's fiery darts and Offensively in walk forward it shows Satan and his demons you know his wiles and you are on attack always moving forward.
Text: Ephesians 6: 10 to 18
Faith is the victory, that overcomes the world. Faith is when we put on the Whole Armour of GOD, in the STRENGTH of the LORD and in the POWER of HIS might! Today, sadly innumerable number of "professing Christians" do not use or believe the Armour of GOD and use their fleshly minds and emotions in what is a SPIRITUAL battle by the Devil and his demons.
Text: Ephesians 6 the Helmet of Salvation
Once you are truly "born-again" you are entering a war that is fought in your mind. Satan uses fiery darts to kill, steal, and destroy, these darts are silent, and Satan knows where best to cause the most pain, sorrow, and wrong thinking! The Armour of GOD is of NO help to you if you do NOT wear it, use it, pray it, and stand in it. Correcting thinking is only through and by the LORD JESUS CHRIST and our use of the Armour of GOD.
Text: Ephesians 6: 10 to 18
Christian warfare is NOT flesh and blood, it is supernatural, it is spiritual. Our battle, upon Salvation, is for our entire life on this earth, against the Devil and his legions of demons. It is each day, every day, none stop! Therefore we, have our GOD given weapons and today we look at the "the SWORD of the SPIRIT." This sword is both an offensive weapon and a defensive weapon, for the SWORD is the Power of GOD, for it is the very WORD of GOD.
Text: The Book of Hebrews
In this Bible Study, Pastor Nulph will do an overview of the Book of Hebrews in which we find that the key word is "BETTER". This Book also shows corrections to our GOD appointed wisdom and understanding of this glorious Book.
The Book of Hebrews HARMONIZES the Old Testament and the New Testament; Hebrews does NOT deny or change the Old Testament but ALINGS it to the WILL and PURPOSE of GOD!
Text: Hebrews 1: 1 to 6
The 1st Chapter of the Book of Hebrews looks at and commands that nothing in all creation, nothing but CHRIST is as CHRIST is Superior in all things. CHRIST is better than angels, Hebrews 1:5 (KJB) "For unto which of the angels said HE at any time, Thou art MY SON, this day have I begotten THEE? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son?
Christ is GOD and HE alone is Superior to ALL persons, creatures, and in the Supernatural realm.
Text: 2 Samuel 9.1 to 7
We have our dear brother, Pastor Cody Crevar, Missionary to Ottawa, Canada, who is teaching on 'LODEBAR'. From the Book of 2 Samuel, this not a place you want to find yourself or other loved ones. GOD has so much better for you. If you do not personally know the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and are not truly born again by faith and the finished work of CHRIST shedding HIS BLOOD for you.
You, dear friend, dwell in Lodebar and GOD'S Judgment will fall soon .......
Text: Hebrews 4
Rest, is a wonderful word, it is to the unsaved, a short restful time, a sleep, a vacation, a walk; yet it all ends. This is because it is a physical rest, true Christians have an eternally rest that we abide in all the time. When we work, we abide in CHRIST, for HE is our rest. This rest is beyond description and it is everlasting. We overcome all things in this life by abiding in CHRIST, our hope, our joy, our life, and our rest!
Text: Hebrews 6: 1 to 20
The truth is very, very clear that mankind is a sinner and there is ONLY two directions;
1. You can reject and live out your physical life, die and be eternally damned, cursed, and facing GOD'S fierce wrath in HIS Judgment.
2. You can believe, receive and have the curse removed forever and become one in the beloved of GOD and reap eternal joy and blessedness in CHRIST Salvation forever.
GOD knows your heart and time is not stopping, death is coming ....
This is a cancer in the church still. From the days of the Apostles until this very writing, "works Salvation" is alive and very unfortunate corrupting still. One of the many wicked errors "works salvation" teaches is that you must work in order to obtain salvation and that you can lose salvation. Works salvation is from the pit of Hell and it behooves the true Christian to reject totally and completely.
For SALVATION is of the LORD!
Text: Hebrews 8: 1 to 13
Hebrews is the BETTER Epistle. The OLD Testament was animal sacrifices were temporary and had to be done over and over and over, repeated for centuries. CHRIST, sacrifice was ONCE FOR ALL, never to be done again. CHRIST brought permanence, the END of temporary to "It is Finished" CHIST fulfilled the Law, the Old Covenant, and brought in the "BETTER ETERNAL NEW COVENANT" The LORD JESUS CHRIST is the New Covenant!
Text: Hebrews 9: 1 to 28
Hebrews is the BETTER Epistle. We notice that in Chapter 9 we are shown that we have move from the Holy of Holies to the realms of Heaven. The LORD JESUS CHRIST is the much better way. The Book of Hebrews commands that there is NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING better then our Great High Priest, JESUS CHRIST the Righteous. For HE alone is the only SAVIOUR of mankind and is LORD over all!
Text: Hebrews 10 1 to 37
Hebrews is the BETTER Epistle. Calvary is the fulfillment of the Holy of Holies. The Old Testament has been replaced by the LORD JESUS CHRIST who is the New Testament. It is "ALL" because of "ALL" the LORD JESUS CHRIST did to purchase mankind's Redemption.
"The next day John seeth JESUS coming unto him, and saith, Behold the LAMB of GOD, which taketh away the sin of the world." John 1:29 (KJB)
Text: Hebrews 11:1 to 6
The Book of Hebrews is Works vs. Faith, Law vs. Grace, Natural vs. Supernatural. NOT what we do (LAW) - BUT - Who we believe (GRACE). The Law teaches how to be saved, but the Law NEVER saved anyone. There is but one way, and that one way is the BETTER way, it is the LORD JESUS CHRIST and HIM alone!
Text: Hebrews 11:1 to 6
We live in this body of death, as Paul tells us. We as true born-again Christian "should" know the dangers of our flesh, it is your enemy!! "Be not deceived; GOD is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the SPIRIT shall of the SPIRIT reap life everlasting."
Galatians 6:7-8
Text: Hebrews 11:1 to 6
If you are truly "Born-Again" by faith the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of the LORD JESUS you are a "Incomplete Biographies". Chapter 11 shows the saints that went before you and that GOD NEVER failed. Same as it was for them so shall it be for us. GOD'S promise in Jude 24 (KJB) "Now unto HIM that is able to keep (you place your name) from falling, and to present (you place your name) faultless before the presence of HIS Glory with Exceeding Joy"
Text: Hebrews 12:1 to 29
As the Christians, true believers who have gone before us, we are now the ones who must stand in the gap and live godly, humble, meek, and obedient lives before this fallen world and its people. Chapter 12 calls us to "now" be that which GOD has called each of us to be and do. What legacy are you leaving for the next True Christians that will follow after us?
Text: Hebrews 13:1 to 5
How do people of FAITH behave themselves, daily in this world and when you are at home where no one but GOD sees the real you. Walking by faith has its crowning point and it is Brotherly Love! Therefore be "NOT" contentious with anyone. Many, far to many contentions among "Christians" cannot be resolved due to a bitter root(s) that control people NOT the contented soul walking in faith with the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Text: Hebrews 13:13 to 25
We as Christians, true Christians, need to have our memories of the Doctrines of the Bible and our accountability to GOD jarred back to center by the WORD of GOD as revealed to each of us in Chapter 13 of Hebrews.
Pastor and Nettie Nulph
Sunday 10:00 AM - Morning Bible Class
Sunday 11:00 AM - Morning Service
Sunday 2:00 PM - Afternoon Service
Wednesday 7:00 PM - Bible Study
Precious Prayer Time.
Video and Audio sermons are posted weekly.
February 20
Sunday Morning Bible Class
"Learning the hard way"
Daniel 4: 19 to 37
Sunday Morning Sermon
Exodus 1: 1 to 14
Sunday Afternoon Sermon
"O, ye of little faith)"
Matthew 6: 24
Wednesday Night Bible Study
(February 19, 2025)
"Jogging our memories"
Hebrews 13: 13 to 25
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